Friday, July 29, 2011

Week 27: T-I-M-E

Near the end of his life, one father looked back on how he had spent his time on earth.  An acclaimed, respected author of numerous scholarly works, he said, "I wish I had written one less book and taken my children fishing more often."

"Time is a gift, a treasure not to be put aside for the future, but to be used wisely in the present."  
-President Tomas S. Monson

This week's challenge:  Be more mindful of how I use my time each day

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week 24-26: Half way there and committed all the way!

I have to confess, I have been on vacation for the last 3 weeks and have missed posting.  In order to keep on track with my birthday, this will be a combined post for the last 3 weeks.

Speaking of birthdays, tomorrow is my 1/2 birthday.  It is my "YEA day"...every 27th of each month.  I will be 35 and a 1/2.  My "but a spring chick" journey is 1/2 way over.  It has been 6 months of a lot of pondering, learning, and growing as I have worked more at trying to become who Heavenly Father needs and wants me to become.  I haven't been perfect, but I have seen a change take place in myself for the better.  

As I have been focusing on making this year the best ever and as I have tried to improve myself for the better, I have found myself slowing down more, making more time for the little things that matter most like my family and myself.  I have given myself permission to sit and enjoy life moments more without feeling guilty about the "to do" list written on my paper.  I have learned how important it is to forgive.  Holding grudges only weighs one down.  I have embraced more fully the power and the blessings that come from saying, "I am a mother!"  I have recognized that I am of worth.  I have found myself relying on the Lord more and paying attention and recognizing His tender mercies in my daily life.  I have also taken more time to ponder and feel His love in the beauty around me as I have watched a setting sun, a beautiful snowfall, a budding flower, or have felt the breeze on my face as I have biked past a field of green.  I have felt more joy in my heart as I have focused more, the last 6 months, on things that matter most!  

I read this week an article out of the July 2011 Ensign of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints.  It was entitled, "I'm Committed".  In that article President Uchtdorf says: 
"Either you are committed or you are not.  Either you are moving forward or you are standing still.  There's no halfway.  We all face moments of decision that change the rest of our lives."  

I love this quote!  I want to be one of commitment.  I want to be one moving forward, changing my life and the lives of others for the better.  I get excited when I think of life in that way.  The last 6 months have been a learning experience for me.  I am committed to moving forward and I look forward to more learning and growing experiences over the next 6 months.    

It is never to late to change, to develop talents, to learn, to grow, and to become who we want to become!  Remember, we are all "but spring chicks!"  I am committed to this great journey, to my family, to myself, and to my Maker.  Cheers to the next 6 months!  

This week's challenge:  to always remember I am committed to my family, myself, and to my Heavenly Father