Thursday, January 27, 2011

I am but a spring chick!

Today is my 35th birthday and the first day of a great year to come!!  Last night I found myself, during the last few hours of being 34, standing in front of my bathroom mirror, plucking out my gray hairs.   My first thought was, "Boy, I need to go get my hair colored", then my thoughts turned to all of the experiences I had had the last year and all that I had been through.  I reflected on how hard my year had been.  I can truly say it was the hardest year of my life, even harder than the year my father died when I was 16.  The year was an emotional one filled with struggles starting with the birth of my 6th child, post partum depression, moving my family across the country with a baby only a few months old, the stress of trying to sell two homes, trying to adjust myself and my family to a new home, new surroundings, a new neighborhood and friends, new church friends, and dealing with homesick feelings and feelings of being a single mother as my husband was gone most of the time with his work and church callings.  As I sat there last night in front of my mirror, I thought that I could either continue to feel sorry for myself, or I could decide to make this coming year, my year of being 35, the best year of my life.

This morning when I woke up, I rededicated myself to seeing my life and the challenges I face as a cup half full and not half empty, to strive each day to not give or take offense, to focus more on the things I am grateful for, to strengthen my relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ, and to be an influence for good to all those I associate with, for I am "but a spring chick" and can do all things. 

"Spring chick???", you might ask.  Let me explain.  A few years ago my sister called to talk one day.  We where talking about our age.  She told me of an experience she had that week.  My sister ran into one of her old piano teachers whom she had not seen in a long time and who was now in her late 70's.  Her piano teacher told her that when she was in her mid 50's she was complaining about her life and how old she was.  A 90 year old women in her ward overheard her talking and said to her, "My dear, you are but a spring chick.  You have a whole life ahead of you."  This one statement made her realize that she did have a whole life still ahead of her and that she could do and become whatever she wanted.  With that knowledge, she went to college in her 50's and eventually got her PhD in a music related field and went on to teach piano pedagogue as a professor at the university.  To this day each year, she puts on a piano concert for her family and dear friends on her birthday of pieces she has learned and mastered throughout the year.  If that is not inspiring, I don't know what is.  I think of all of the lives she might not have touched had she focused on how old she thought she was and didn't believe in herself to become what she could become.  

This story has inspired me to believe in myself and remember that I am but a spring chick who can do and become anything I put my mind to becoming.    

During this coming year, I am determined to become a better me; a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, neighbor, and friend.  My goal is to share, through this blog, the things I learn each day during my 35th year that help me become who Heavenly Father intended me to become.  My hope in doing so, is that that my journey may be one of  inspiration to others.  May we all enjoy the journey!!  Happy Birthday to me!!! 


  1. First of all, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
    Second, I saw that you started this blog on Facebook and I had to take a peek, I hope you don't mind. I LOVE this idea!

    I can tell this is going to be a great year for you :)


  2. YAY!! It will be a great year for you and more insightful since you are welcoming it full force! ;) I'll take your grays over my chin hairs if that is ok... LOL HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
