Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week 37: Only believe

It has been awhile since I have posted on "but a spring chick", but I will tell you that I have been doing a lot of pondering during that time.

When I first decided to do this blog, the idea was to post every day about the things I had learned that would help me be a better person.  I realized it was too hard to keep up.  I then decided that I would post every week something I had learned.  Well, as you can see, sometimes that has not happened.  My first thought seeing that I have not posted in 4 weeks was,  "Oh, didn't meet your goal of posting every week."  That thought in the past would have stayed in my head for awhile with probably some additional thoughts of, "I feel like I failed", "The blog is not complete", etc.  Instead, I took a different view.    My response instead was, "That's okay.  I have been really busy.  Life is life and I will just continue to post from this point on."  What a big step for me!!!  Looks like I am changing little by little for the better.  Hooray!

Well as I said, the past four weeks have been filled with a lot of pondering about who I am and who I want to become.  I had a profound "ah, ha" moment a couple weeks ago.  As I was thinking about myself, who I was and how inadequate I felt in so many aspects of my life, the thought came to me that I use to be such a confident person and now I question everything I do and my ability to do it.  I asked myself, "What made me confident then?"  The answer clearly came into my head, "You believed in yourself."

That was the answer.  Overtime, I had forgotten to believe in myself and had relied to long on a negative influence that told me I was not good enough.  I am good enough and it was time I started believing in myself, my abilities, and my talents again.  Following this realization, I immediately felt lighter, I stood a little taller, and I felt a strength and a confidence I had not felt in a long time.  It was time for the insecure me to leave me, to stop worrying about what others thought about me, and begin believing in myself.

I think of the scripture in Mark 9: 23 -
"All things are possible to him that believeth."

What truth that scripture rings.  All things are possible in my life as I believe in myself, for I am "but a spring chick!"

This weeks challenge: believe in my talents, my abilities, and in myself