Tuesday, March 6, 2012

You are what you think!

Yesterday I had one of those days!!  It started off on the wrong note and just kept going from there.  I was very emotional and quite grumpy and sometimes, just not nice.    Throughout the day I found myself thinking negative thoughts about myself and thinking what a failure I am as a mother and a wife.  It certainly didn't make for a happy home for anyone yesterday.

I had this impression that I should read though a little notebook of inspiration and thoughts I have written down from the past.  I stopped on an entry from June 12, 2010.  The thoughts were from a Stake Conference, from church (mormon.org), that I had attended.  Here is what it said:

"You are what you think - Believe in myself!"

"Your thoughts will stay if you have a place to put them."

"As you change your thoughts, you can overcome your weaknesses."  

"As we think and do we BECOME."

I was then reminded of something I had read the other day.  It said:
"We grow in two ways...by removing negative weeds and cultivating positive flowers."

I was immediately humbled and was reminded what I needed to do.  To often I get caught up in those negative thoughts.  I was doing myself, and my family, no good by hounding on the negative.  Okay, so I hadn't been my best that day.  I needed to get rid of the negative thoughts about myself, ask for forgiveness, and have the courage to try again tomorrow.  And so I did, and I have to say, today has been filled with happiness!

The Challenge:  Keep the thoughts about myself positive!!

Random Thoughts

I came across this paper in my scripture bag.  I put it in there over a year ago.  It had some great quotes on it that I thought would be nice to post and ponder upon...

"Happiness is a choice!" - unknown

"All of us are largely the product of the lives that touch ours." - President Hinckley

"When a righteous man and women commit to each other completely, the bond is impenetrable and eternal." - unknown

The Challenge:  CHOOSE to be happy, CHOOSE to lift another, CHOOSE to strengthen your marriage