Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Magic of a Peanut Butter Sandwich

Tonight I was doing the usual, preparing the kids backpacks and making sandwiches for lunches tomorrow.  I got out the loaf of bread from the fridge and began to lay out all of the pieces of bread that I would need to compile the sandwiches for the little mouths that I was responsible to feed tomorrow.  After getting the correct amount of pieces of bread out, I looked at the top of the counter with all of those pieces of bread and was amazed.  I was taken back at the amount of bread it took to feed my family.  Over half of the loaf was gone.

At that very same moment of amazement, I was instantly overwhelmed with a deep feeling of gratitude that washed over my body, gratitude to my Heavenly Father.  Tears filled my eyes.  Each of those individual pieces of bread represented each of my dear children and a reminder to me how blessed I was to be their mother.   Each sandwich I made was individual to each child and to their liking.  As I made each individual sandwich, I reminisced about that child's individual personality and gifts they have shared with me over the years and how they have filled my life with joy.  I was deeply touched.  I didn't know that making peanut butter sandwiches could be such a spiritual event, but tonight, for me, it was.  The Spirit testified to me how blessed I am to have each of these sweet spirits in my life and how blessed I am that Heavenly Father trusts me in their care to teach them and guide them back to Him.

I couldn't be more thankful that it takes over a half a loaf of bread to complete school lunch sandwiches for our family!  Motherhood is a privilege and a blessing!

The Challenge:  To cherish the peanut butter sandwich and those magical moments of motherhood!

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