Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 30-31: Laugh a little

What a couple of weeks it has been.  I learned a couple valuable lessons this past week.  Let me share:

I woke up Friday morning feeling rather ill.  I had been up most of the night with a sick stomach and an achy body.  Husband was already gone to work when I got out of bed.  I mustard the energy to get 3 of the 6 kids out the door to school.  I had an hour and a 1/2 before I needed to be at the gym teaching a group fitness class.  I thought to myself, "There is no way I can teach a class this morning, I better get a sub."  I was leery though about not teaching my class because I had been out of town a lot from summer vacations.  I decided to suck it up, take some medicine, and go and teach my class.

I made it to my class and even taught a pretty good one despite being sick.  I gathered the kids from the kids care at the gym, hopped into the car, buckled up, and started on our way home to get my kindergartner on the bus for school when all of the sudden I heard a horrible sound of scraping and bending metal.

My heart sank in an instant.  I felt sick to my stomach all over again!  "Did I just really do what I thought it sounded like I did?", I said to myself.  I immediately stuck the car in reverse, backed up, stopped the car, and got out.  Oh yes, it was true, I had hit the car next to me as I pulled forward out of the parking spot and turned to go home.  I couldn't believe it.  I had never been in a car accident before and yet, I created my own accident with a parked car!  How idiotic is that????  As I assessed the damage I couldn't believe what I saw.  My car didn't have much damage, a little denting and scraping by the back door, but the car I hit.....OH, was bad.  I mangled and tore off at least half of the bumper and damaged lights and all.  How does one do that going just a couple miles an hour?

I felt horrible.  I went back into work and had to tell my boss I hit a car and then we had to try and find the owner of the car.  When owner saw his car he about died.  I apologized over, and over and over again.  We exchanged information and insurance stuff and then off I was heading home again.

I spent the whole drive home beating myself up about what had just happened.  "If I would have only stayed home and gotten a sub", "I didn't feel well anyway", "How could I be so unobservant", "That one hour of work cost me lots of money," were the things that kept going through my mind.  By the time I got home I felt even worse.

After dwelling for an hour over what had happened that morning, I had a little "wake up moment" and realized I could either keep ruining my day by beating my self up and feeling down about the situation, or I could just simply laugh at my silly mistake and move on.  Mistakes happen and the reality was, it is only money.  As I changed my view on the whole situation, I began to chuckle a little that I actually hit a parked car.  Not many people can say that.  And I did have a 19 1/2 year clean driving record to be proud of.  I also learned to never drive when you are sick, your depth perception is off!!  My kids got a chuckle out of it when they got home from school and my husband was very understanding.

Life is to short to get angry, instead laugh a little!  A smile will make everything better.

This week's challenge: laugh a little more      

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