Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 5: Hot showers!!

I love hot showers!  Not only do I love hot showers, but I love hot showers in the dark.  I know, weird.  It makes me feel extra warm.  Every day I look forward to taking a shower.  It is one of the rare moments in the day that I get to be by myself, all alone, in my own space, uninterrupted, without little voices calling my name, or  little bodies crawling all over me.  It becomes a time of stillness and a time to ponder.

That time in the shower has turned into one of my favorite times because it is a time of stillness where I can reflect on; my day, what I can do more for my kids, how I can improve as a person, and a time for me to pray and listen for guidance through the Holy Ghost on challenges I am facing.  I have come to look forward to that time of stillness each day amongst the hustle and bustle of daily life.  I have had many a prayer answered during those quite moments in the shower.    

It is through the quiet moments of stillness that the Holy Ghost can speak to me and to you clearly, uninterrupted, and teach us how to become better in all areas of our lives.  I need all the help I can get, so my goal is to make more moments of stillness each day!

Tomorrow's challenge:  make time for stillness

1 comment:

  1. HOLY COW!! Please tell me your secret to getting showers uninterrupted!! There is always a kid knocking on a door saying "Mom" or walking in and talking to me behind the curtain. LOL
