Monday, April 11, 2011

Week 12: Making more time for prayer

Our family took a fun trip this past week to Maryland and Washington DC for spring break.  While trying to pass the time away during the 7 hour and 45 minute drive home, I put in a CD that was a talk given by Sheri Dew entitled, "Arise and Shine Forth".

It was such a great talk that when the hour was over, I simply let the CD start over on its own and listened to it again.  She spoke on women and our roll in these the last days.  It was about arising and going forward, sticking to the task before us, and doing what we were sent here to do; to building the kingdom of God.

There was a point in the talk where Sheri Dew spoke about a mother of 9.  Sheri asked this mother of 9, how, amongst all the chaos of raising 9 children, did she find time to spiritually feed herself?  She replied that one day she went to her husband and asked him if there was a 1/2 an hour each day that he could take care of the kids, so that she could study her scriptures and pray.  She needed that time so that she could be a better mother and wife.  During that 1/2 an hour every day, this mother of 9 made sure she studied her scriptures for 15 minutes and prayed for 15 minutes.

This hit me when I heard it.  I try to regularly study my scriptures on a daily basis, but I have never thought of making more time for my prayers.  In the morning when I pray, I quickly get on my knees and say a short prayer before I study my scriptures and at night I am so tired my prayers aren't very long.  I can say my prayers are not reaching their full potential.

This thought of allowing myself more time to pray and listen made so much sense.  How can I receive personal revelation and hear what Heavenly Father has to say to me if I am not allowing myself enough time to tell Heavenly Father what is on my mind, or listen to what He has to tell me?

I allowed myself more time to pray this morning and it was very nice.   I had more time to think and  ponder and had a greater feeling of peace accompany my morning.

This weeks challenge: make more time for prayer 

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