Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Week 13: An instrument in His hands

I was reminded this week about the importance the roll the Spirit plays in my life.  In addition, I was reminded of the importance to always act upon the promptings of the Spirit.

Saturday morning I was driving home from a fun Relief Society 5k run I participated in that morning.  As I turned  left onto the road before my community, I saw in the distance a police car parked in the middle of the road.  I first thought, "That is interesting.  I wonder what the cop car is doing in the middle of the road?"  I continued to drive down the street and then made a left turn into my community heading to my house.  As soon as I turned, I immediately had this feeling that I should go and see what was going on down the road.  I wasn't sure why.  It was none of my business and it didn't make sense for me to turn around, I was right in front of my house.  Within just a few seconds this nagging feeling to turn around tugged stronger at my heart.  I turned around and headed out my community.  "I guess I am going for a drive", I thought.

As I drove down the street I noticed there had been an accident.  I saw only one small car off the road on the right.  I turned right on the street next to the car that was off the road in order to circle around back to my house when I looked back to notice that another car had been in the accident on the opposite side of the road.  I immediately thought, "I know that other car and I know those people."  It was my Bishop, his wife and their daughter.  My heart sank.  "Not again", I thought.  Their son, just the previous month had been in a bad car accident, was taken to the hospital, and eventually needed surgery.

I instantly turned my car around and headed to the aid of my dear friends.  The lady from the other car had to be cut out of the car and had already been taken to the hospital when I got there.  My Bishop, his wife (my dear friend) and their daughter were in the process of taking things out of their car that had been hit and were placing them into another car.  They all looked a bit shaken up and overwhelmed as to what had just happened.  I could tell my sweet friend was on the verge of tears.  I parked, got out of the car, and immediately went over and gave her a hug.  I could tell at that moment that is what she needed most.  After composing ourselves, she informed me as to what had happened.  How grateful I was to hear that their family seemed to be okay except for a couple of bumps here and there.

I drove away from that situation feeling strongly that Heavenly Father directed me there that morning.  I didn't do much, but simply had love and support to give.

My friend today gave me a beautiful potted purple flower with a card to say thank you.  Inside the card she wrote, "I am so thankful for you and your kindness.  I know you were listening to your heart and for that I am so thankful.  I know the Lord sent you to bring me comfort and hope."

I am thankful for this experience this week that strengthened my testimony on the power the Spirit can have and the opportunity I have to be an instrument in the Lords hands helping share His tender mercies, if I but listen carefully to that still small voice.

This week's challenge:  learn to listen for the Spirit and then act

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