Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Week 14 & 15: Inspire, Inspire, Inspire!!!

I have had the most wonderful weekend with some absolutely amazing women.  Each year three of my friend and I get together for a girls weekend.  This year the girls came to visit me in my hometown.  We had such a fun weekend talking, eating, playing, and laughing together.  Being around these stalwart women this weekend was such an uplifting experience.  Their examples and outlook on life were inspiring.  As we spent the weekend talking I was inspired to make changes in my family so we can be the "best" we can be.

One thing I learned from one of my friends is the importance of "inspiring" through parenting instead of "requiring".  Inspiring is the Lords way of parenting.  It allows our children to make their own choices and allows them to gain a real desire from within themselves to learn and develop talents they want to pursue.  Requiring or forcing our children is not of Lord.  Requiring or forcing takes away that free agency.  I have noticed that I have been one who requires instead of inspires.  This is not how I want to be anymore.  I hope that over this year I will be able to learn more about how to inspire and be one that inspires instead of requires.  I believe in doing so, my family members will grow within themselves, that our relationships with each other will be filled with more love, and that we will have more peace in our family.

This week's challenge:  seek to inspire   


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