Thursday, June 30, 2011

Week 22-23: True Love

I love the month of June for many reasons, some of which are; flowers, sunshine, gardens, school being out, sleeping in, more time to play with my kids, trips to the pool or lake, snow cones, fireflies, late movie and game nights, and dinners outside.  I also love June because it is my anniversary month.  Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our 15 year anniversary.

As June began, my thoughts these last few weeks have turned to my anniversary and how love changes over the years.  I have been thinking a lot about love and marriage and what makes a marriage successful.  I have also been pondering upon what true love is.  Love changes.  I believe that love takes on a different meaning to couples as time goes on.  The love a couple feels at 15 years of marriage is different and has a different meaning than the love felt on one's wedding day.

I found a card that expressed so eloquently what I feel true love is:

"Love has little to do with moonlight and balconies and everything to do with patience, acceptance, and hanging in there.  Love can't always move mountains or change the world overnight.  But it can open its arms at the end of a long, bad day and welcome you home to true belonging.  Love brings a beautiful wholeness.  Nothing else quite compares with the sense of completeness that comes from sharing with that one special person for a lifetime."  

Love is patience, acceptance, enduring, belonging, wholeness, completeness, and may I add, selflessness.  I have asked myself if the love I posses portrays these qualities and if not, what changes do I need to make? As I continue on this year with my journey of bettering myself, I hope to work towards gaining better qualities of true love and then showing that love more to others.

This weeks challenge: to show true, deep love to those I care about and not assume they already know

Friday, June 17, 2011

Week 21: become a builder

"Leave people better than you found them."

This weeks challenge: be a builder

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Week 20: Soaking up each moment

I am feeling very sentimental today.  My heart is full of gratitude.  Today is one of those milestone days.  Today was the last day of the school year for my children.  It is one of those days each year that I spend reflecting  upon how my children have changed over the year.  I reflect on all that my children have accomplished, learned, ways they have grown, the experiences they have had that have molded and refined them, and the obstacles they have successfully overcome.  I have to say, I am so proud of each and everyone of my dear children.  They each started out this school year with many firsts and hardships that come with moving to a new city and home and they each have risen above and succeeded.

Today was also a reminder again of how quickly they grow up.  Another year, another grade completed, another chapter of memories for their book and my book of life.  

As I have reflected today, I have been reminded how special and unique this gift of motherhood is in my life and how important it is for me to soak up each and every moment of my children's lives and not take any of it for granted.  As I know, tomorrow will definitely come, more birthdays will occur, they will each get a little older, and another school year will end.  I cannot freeze time, but I can make the most of every moment I have with each of these precious gifts that have blessed my life.  

This week's challenge: soak up each moment I have with my children

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Week 18-19: New Beginnings

"Count each day as a new beginning.  Only look back on yesterday if there is something you can learn from it to give you a brighter tomorrow & then don't dwell on it!"

This was a quote from one of my friends. This quote is so true.  It really struck me when I read it this week.  I am one that dwells on the past and at times beats myself up over and over again for things I did, or didn't do; for things I said, or didn't say; or for ways I acted that may have not been showing my best self; or for not being the best mother, wife, sister, friend, etc. that I should have been.  I know it is not healthy to dwell on such things, but my human nature kicks in.  

I think of the quote:
"Today is a gift, that is why it is called the present."

Each day is a gift and a new beginning to better ourselves and touch the lives of others for good.  I pray that I may not waste away today by dwelling on yesterday, but that I will move forward in faith and embrace the present!

This week's challenge: don't dwell on the negative of yesterday