Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's all about balance!!

I heard the two best quotes today that tugged at my heart!  There is so much truth and power in these quotes:

"A powerful person is a balanced person!"

"Balance is not a matter of fitting everything into your life; it is a matter of deciding what is important to you and fitting all the important things into your life!"

As I put these two quotes together and combine them with my belief on how to find balance which is, we find balance as we aligning ourselves with God's will, then we become invincible and powerful to be able to accomplish all things!!

The Challenge:  Find balance through the important things in life!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

You are what you think!

Yesterday I had one of those days!!  It started off on the wrong note and just kept going from there.  I was very emotional and quite grumpy and sometimes, just not nice.    Throughout the day I found myself thinking negative thoughts about myself and thinking what a failure I am as a mother and a wife.  It certainly didn't make for a happy home for anyone yesterday.

I had this impression that I should read though a little notebook of inspiration and thoughts I have written down from the past.  I stopped on an entry from June 12, 2010.  The thoughts were from a Stake Conference, from church (, that I had attended.  Here is what it said:

"You are what you think - Believe in myself!"

"Your thoughts will stay if you have a place to put them."

"As you change your thoughts, you can overcome your weaknesses."  

"As we think and do we BECOME."

I was then reminded of something I had read the other day.  It said:
"We grow in two removing negative weeds and cultivating positive flowers."

I was immediately humbled and was reminded what I needed to do.  To often I get caught up in those negative thoughts.  I was doing myself, and my family, no good by hounding on the negative.  Okay, so I hadn't been my best that day.  I needed to get rid of the negative thoughts about myself, ask for forgiveness, and have the courage to try again tomorrow.  And so I did, and I have to say, today has been filled with happiness!

The Challenge:  Keep the thoughts about myself positive!!

Random Thoughts

I came across this paper in my scripture bag.  I put it in there over a year ago.  It had some great quotes on it that I thought would be nice to post and ponder upon...

"Happiness is a choice!" - unknown

"All of us are largely the product of the lives that touch ours." - President Hinckley

"When a righteous man and women commit to each other completely, the bond is impenetrable and eternal." - unknown

The Challenge:  CHOOSE to be happy, CHOOSE to lift another, CHOOSE to strengthen your marriage

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The power of LOVE!!

Although my 35th year is over and I am now embarking on my 36th year, I couldn't say goodbye to the "but a spring chick blog".  I will continue to share bits and pieces of knowledge I learn and thoughts that inspire me to be better and of course...challenges for the coming days.

As yesterday was Valentine's Day (I love this holiday!!), I felt it appropriate to share with you a quote I received in church on Sunday about love.

"LOVE is what inspired our Heavenly Father to create our spirits; it is what led our Savior to the Garden of Gethsemane to make Himself a ransom for our sins.  LOVE is the grand motive of the plan of salvation; it is the source of happiness, the ever-renewing spring of healing, the precious fountain of hope.  As we extend our hands and hearts toward others in Christlike LOVE, something wonderful happens to us.  Our own spirits become healed, more refined, and stronger.  We become happier, more peaceful, and more receptive to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit."        ~President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Think about that...LOVE heals, refines, and strengthens our own spirits.  LOVE also makes us happier, peaceful, and more receptive to the Holy Ghost.  It's all about LOVE!!

The Challenge:  seek to be filled with love and then show that love to others

Friday, January 27, 2012

A look back!

Well, Happy 36th Birthday to me!!!!  Today is the big day!!  One year ago today, I began my "but a spring chick" journey.  What a year it has been.  My goal with this blog was to focus on things I learned daily that I could try to emulate and work towards in improving myself over this past year. My goal was to become a better me, especially a better wife and mother.  My goal was to try to have the best year yet, by looking at things with a cup half full and realizing that I can become whomever and whatever I want to become.

Well, I have to say it was a pretty amazing year.   I am by far from perfect and the year was not all roses, in fact, there were some days that I wanted to give up.  Yet as I look back on this journey, I am amazed at how far I have come from last year and how far I have grown as a person.  Is there still lots of growing to be done?  Yes, yet my heart is more full of gratitude, love, forgiveness, humility, belief in myself, and a greater understanding of my purpose here on this earth.  I have learned much about myself and what and who I am capable of becoming.

May I share with you some of the things I have learned over this year.

1-I have learned that family is EVERYTHING!  It is truly what matters most!

2-I learned that motherhood is the greatest gift I could ever have and never again will I ever discount being a mother or feel that I am nothing because all I do is "stay home with my children".  It is one of the most important reasons I am here on this earth.  It is a blessing and a privilege.  I look at motherhood in a whole new light and thank my Heavenly Father for that blessing in my life.    

3-I learned that motherhood is not easy and was never intended to be easy, so I quit looking for the easy route and just started enjoying the small "moments of magic" and tried to laugh through the "Calgon, take me away" moments.

4-I learned that balance in life comes from looking up and being aligned with my Heavenly Father's will.  I learned that the question is not, "How do I find balance in my life?", the question to be asking is, "Is my will aligned with God's will?".  If my will is in line with my Heavenly Father's will, then I have found that the balance magically falls into place with my life.  He knows me better than I know myself.  When I trust in His will, even though it doesn't make sense on paper, then all works out and joy and clarity fills my life.

5-I learned about the importance of HUMILITY and how destroying and destructive PRIDE can be.  The prideful let go of the iron rod.  Pride can destroy homes, families, friendships, and lives.  As we look sideways and start to compare ourselves with others, we begin to fall into the trap of pride.  As we humbly look up to our Heavenly Father and become teachable, we progress.  Humility leads to progression.

6-I learned that I am a Daughter of God and when I felt that I couldn't possibly go on, my Heavenly Father cared enough to strengthen me and carry me along until I could stand on my own again.

7-I learned that forgiveness is imperative in life.  As hard as it may be sometimes, it is the magic pill that  softens hearts and allows love to flow in.  Daily applying the principle of forgiveness can change lives.

8- I learned that a positive attitude and being full of gratitude makes life sweet!

9-I learned that TRUE and REAL LASTING happiness comes from living a righteous life and completely keeping the commandments of God!  Nothing else brings greater happiness.  There is no way around it.    

10-I learned that anything is possible if I face it with courage and believe in myself!!

Cheers to another great year!!  Who knows what the coming year may bring, for I am "but a spring chick".  How grateful I am for this journey!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Week 52: The ABC's with F&T

What are the ABC's with F&T, you might ask?  A few weeks ago, I was reading a great article from the Ensign from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  It was written from our modern day prophet, President Monson.  It was an article focusing on the ABC's to living an abundant life.  The article made me ponder on the type of life I want to live and the things I could do to achieve that kind of life and be the kind of person I want to be.

I adopted President Monson's ABC's and added a few letters of my own, F & T.

A = Have a positive attitude
B = Believe in yourself
C = Face challenges with courage
F = Choose to forgive
T= Treat others how you want to be treated and
     Temperance in all things

I created a little chart that I printed off and have posted by my computer so that I can see it every day.  I am by far perfect and have a long way to go, but these ABC's F and T are a reminder daily to me of choices I can make to attain an abundant life.

This week's challenge: put into practice my ABC's F and T!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week 50: Finding Balance

Happy New Year!!  Another year to seize life and become better!  As last year came to a close, I found myself pondering over the year and reflecting on what needed to change in my life for this coming year.  As I looked back, I noticed a continual theme had surfaced in my life.  I have noticed that over several years, I have been running in "overdrive", always fighting against the clock to get "everything" done and yet feeling that I always come up short.  "There is not enough time in the day", seems to be the quote of the day I have found myself saying often.  As I have pondered over this, for the last several weeks, the question has come to my mind:

How do I find balance in my life with all that is required of me and not enough time to fit it all in?  

Balance...such a foreign word in my vocabulary.

Well, a few weeks ago I decided that I was going to take this question up to the Lord and ask for His guidance in knowing how to achieve, "balance" back into my life, so that I can be my BEST SELF!!

I have been praying and pondering and praying and pondering some more.  Little by little the answers began to come.  There was even an article in my church magazine, The Ensign of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in the December 2011 issue entitled, "How do I achieve balance in my life given all the demands on my time?" ( Perfect!!  In that article, there was a quote that hit me and directed me on a path to change somethings I am doing in my life.

"We face a lot of demands on our time.  It is essential that we constantly evaluate how we are using our time...At time it may be necessary to say no to some obligations.  We are counseled not to "run faster than we have strength" (Mosiah 4:27).  We may want simultaneously to have immaculate homes, hold a position in the school's parent-teacher organization, spend hours working on our family history, and train for triathlons.  However, "to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the the heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1).  It is important that we have the courage to forgo commitments that do not make us better."

All the things I had on my daily "to do list" for myself and my family were all good, but I had too many of them.  I realized, I needed to have the courage to make changes, forgo some of those "good" things, so that my family and I can be our better selves.

I did some hard thinking and have taken the courage to make some changes.  I have backed off on work hours, prioritized more of my time each day devoted to only my children, changed the way I take care of household obligations to become more simplified and delegated out, backed off on the amount of extra curricular activities my children are in, have made a rule that we don't answer the phone after 9:00 pm, have scheduled more daily time to family and personal scripture study and have allowed time at the end of the day that is not scheduled with anything else, but free time for myself to do as I please.  

I have already felt some of the weight of "rushing against the clock" lifted from off my shoulders as I have tried to have the courage to change and focus on what matters most.  May the journey continue!

This week's challenge:  Have the courage to forgo commitments that do not make me better