Friday, January 27, 2012

A look back!

Well, Happy 36th Birthday to me!!!!  Today is the big day!!  One year ago today, I began my "but a spring chick" journey.  What a year it has been.  My goal with this blog was to focus on things I learned daily that I could try to emulate and work towards in improving myself over this past year. My goal was to become a better me, especially a better wife and mother.  My goal was to try to have the best year yet, by looking at things with a cup half full and realizing that I can become whomever and whatever I want to become.

Well, I have to say it was a pretty amazing year.   I am by far from perfect and the year was not all roses, in fact, there were some days that I wanted to give up.  Yet as I look back on this journey, I am amazed at how far I have come from last year and how far I have grown as a person.  Is there still lots of growing to be done?  Yes, yet my heart is more full of gratitude, love, forgiveness, humility, belief in myself, and a greater understanding of my purpose here on this earth.  I have learned much about myself and what and who I am capable of becoming.

May I share with you some of the things I have learned over this year.

1-I have learned that family is EVERYTHING!  It is truly what matters most!

2-I learned that motherhood is the greatest gift I could ever have and never again will I ever discount being a mother or feel that I am nothing because all I do is "stay home with my children".  It is one of the most important reasons I am here on this earth.  It is a blessing and a privilege.  I look at motherhood in a whole new light and thank my Heavenly Father for that blessing in my life.    

3-I learned that motherhood is not easy and was never intended to be easy, so I quit looking for the easy route and just started enjoying the small "moments of magic" and tried to laugh through the "Calgon, take me away" moments.

4-I learned that balance in life comes from looking up and being aligned with my Heavenly Father's will.  I learned that the question is not, "How do I find balance in my life?", the question to be asking is, "Is my will aligned with God's will?".  If my will is in line with my Heavenly Father's will, then I have found that the balance magically falls into place with my life.  He knows me better than I know myself.  When I trust in His will, even though it doesn't make sense on paper, then all works out and joy and clarity fills my life.

5-I learned about the importance of HUMILITY and how destroying and destructive PRIDE can be.  The prideful let go of the iron rod.  Pride can destroy homes, families, friendships, and lives.  As we look sideways and start to compare ourselves with others, we begin to fall into the trap of pride.  As we humbly look up to our Heavenly Father and become teachable, we progress.  Humility leads to progression.

6-I learned that I am a Daughter of God and when I felt that I couldn't possibly go on, my Heavenly Father cared enough to strengthen me and carry me along until I could stand on my own again.

7-I learned that forgiveness is imperative in life.  As hard as it may be sometimes, it is the magic pill that  softens hearts and allows love to flow in.  Daily applying the principle of forgiveness can change lives.

8- I learned that a positive attitude and being full of gratitude makes life sweet!

9-I learned that TRUE and REAL LASTING happiness comes from living a righteous life and completely keeping the commandments of God!  Nothing else brings greater happiness.  There is no way around it.    

10-I learned that anything is possible if I face it with courage and believe in myself!!

Cheers to another great year!!  Who knows what the coming year may bring, for I am "but a spring chick".  How grateful I am for this journey!

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! It sounds like a wonderful year. Thanks for sharing.

    P.S. Every year around Valentine season, I think of you and Brandon and your fun progressive party. Thanks for great memories!
