Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 8: Making more time for loved ones

Since this past Friday, March 11, my thoughts have been turned to Japan and the 8.9 earthquake and resulting tsunami which has destroyed much and killed thousands. I have thought a lot about all of the lives and families that have been effected by this natural disaster.  My heart has been deeply touched and saddened.  My sister and her kids live in Japan and  experienced first hand the earthquake, the scare of what was going on, and the loss of control as they tried to reunite back with each other.  I can't even imagine what my sister and nephews felt and went through that day.  I am so grateful they are all safe back together.

I have thought a lot about family the past few days.  I have asked myself over and over again, what have I done lately to make sure each of my children and my husband know I love them?  Have I been one that has been a force for good in the family and one that uplifts, or have I been a negative influence in the family lately?  Am I forgiving, patient and loving, or short tempered, unkind and quick to criticize?  Have I put more priority in cleaning the house, doing the bills, and watching my favorite TV show instead of  spending quality time with my family members?

This tragedy in Japan has made me really self evaluate myself and focus on what I need to improve upon.  Like I have said before, it is all about the family.  It is time for me to put my priorities back in the right place and focus more of my positive energy on my family.  I don't want them to ever question my love for them because of what I say and do.  Instead, I hope they always know I love them because of what I say and do.

This week's challenge:  spend quality time with each of my family members every day! 

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