Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 9: The birds are singing!!

Snow is melted, grass is starting to look green, trees are budding, flowers blooming, the birds are singing and all I can say is, "hallelujah"!!  Spring is finally upon us.  My cute 5 year old said the other day, "Mom, that is a beautiful sound to hear the birds singing."  I stopped, chuckled to myself, and then agreed with him, "Yes it is!"

Today was the warmest day of the year so far and I LOVED it!!  Our family has spent more time outside this past week, enjoying the beauty around and the warm weather.  I am appreciating this spring more than I have any other.  I have taken more time to soak in the beauty around me.  I have watched in amazement the beginning of a green bud emerge out of the ground and within days grow into a tall stem with a flower at the head.  I have noticed in awe, my neighbors bare trees one day and then the next day see them full with small, red budding leaves.  I noticed myself  thinking how amazing this process is and thought, how could there not be a God after witnessing the miracle of the earth change from winter to spring?

I am reminded of one of my favorite songs by Hilary Weeks.  It is called, "He Is"...

He is the first ray of sun to reach above the mountain
He is a gentle ocean breeze on my face
He's a long deep breath at the end of the day
He is a warm afternoon at the end of September
He is a silent snowfall and the deafening crash of thunder
He is endless stars on a cloudless night.

He is the laughter of children and the wonder in their eyes
On a distant rocky shore, He's a clear and steady light
He is wrinkled hands and tiny newborn fingers
He's the beckon that calls you home
He is the sturdy staff that leads you to drink beside still waters
He's the reason why the lilies grow

He is a sermon on a mount
He is a widow and her mite
He is the blind man's first glimpse of light 
He is the garden and a prayer
He is two strangers on a hill
He is an empty tomb and the price that heaven paid
He's our chance to try again

He is open arms
He is a quiet invitation
He is hope when hope is gone
He is lasting peace and the answer we are seeking
He is the pathway home
He is
Yes, He is

This week has made me think more about my Savior, Jesus Christ.  The daily evidence of His life and love give me the courage to move foward on my journey.  I am thankful for the moments I have had this week to reflect on his power in my life through the simple budding of a flower and the song of a bird.

This week's challenge:  notice more and enjoy daily God's creations!

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