Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 11: Cup Half Full

I have decided a goal, or good habit that I want to start working on daily is seeing the cup half full.  We are all familiar with the saying, "seeing the cup half full".  If a cup were sitting on the counter filled half way with water, one could either see the cup as half empty or half full.

8 1/2 years ago we lived across from the best neighbor.  Our kids knew her as Ms. Julie.  In the two years we lived by Ms. Julie, we noticed that she always, I mean always, had a smile on her face.  No matter what situation she was facing in her life, she always faced it with a smile.  I asked her how she was able to always be happy.  She told me that life had not always been easy for her.  She had been through a lot of difficult experiences.  She use to always complain.  One day she realized how much she complained about things.  It was that moment that she made a conscience decision to never complain again and to always see the good in everything.  This one decision made all the difference in her life.  

In our two years of living by Ms. Julie, I never saw anything but a smile on her face, never heard her complain about any situation, or say an unkind word about anyone.  I always felt good about myself and life when I was around Ms. Julie.  She was a true example of one who continually saw the cup half full.

I grew to love Ms. Julie very much and always looked forward to seeing her.  I am so thankful for Ms. Julie's example in my life.

Tomorrow's challenge:  see the day as a cup half full        

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