Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 23: No room for offense!!

I am being more honest than I want to be in my post today, but I learned a valuable lesson this week.  Boy, I wish I were perfect, but the truth of the matter is, I'm human, so I must forgive myself, change, and become better.  

My wise sister, whom I just love to pieces, gave me some advice right before I got married.  My sweet grandpa gave her this same advice.  She said, "never give or take offense".  Oh the wisdom in those words.  My sister has truly taken those words to heart.  I can honestly say, I have never see or heard my sister give or take offense.  She is one of the most loving, forgiving, and caring person I know.  I want to be like my sister and not give or take offense.  It just does no good to do so.    

I am learning that I am an overly sensitive person and that I often take offense.  Not the greatest of habits!  Earlier in the week I took offense from my husband, on Valentine's Day of all days, and have held a grudge until today. Let me tell you, it made for a lousy week.  After much humbling today, I asked for amends and some forgiveness.  I feel a million times lighter and was a better wife and mother without that grudge weighing me down.

I know that if I am to become who Heavenly Father needs me to be, then my life must have no room for giving or taking offense.  I am better than that!  I must choose to never give or take offense.  I make a promise to myself that from this day forward I will do so!  

My life challenge:  to forgive always!

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