Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 14: I am grateful for...

Today I am grateful for:

1-a warm bed
2-a day with very minimal fighting from my kids
3-my kids that all helped out, served each other, and did all of their jobs and practicing without a fight - WOW!!
4-the afternoon nap I got
5-the most darling baby in the world that made me smile many times today
6-for the moment I got to rock my baby before bed
7-a husband that greeted me from work with a kiss and a hug
8-the time alone I got to spend with my 7 year old making his school valentine's
9-the reminder to live and see life as a child does, with excitement, and to not waste energy on things that really don't matter
10-the Holy Ghost that touched my heart many times today

Tomorrow's Challenge: touch someone's life for the better

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