Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 17: Simplify

I had the opportunity to attend a world wide training for my church this morning.  I had the privilege to listen and learn from leaders and apostles from my church.  It was an absolute treat.

I took away many great words of wisdom this morning, but one specific thought struck me.  It was the combined idea of simplifying, easing the burden, focusing on those things that matter most - family.  I have been thinking about this topic all day, reflecting on my own life and playing a little "checks and balance" in my own mind.  Are there ways to simplify parts of my life?  Am I creating unnecessary burdens in my own life by being too busy?  Am I so busy doing things that really don't matter that I am unable to focus on what really matters, the family?

Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin said,
"Sometimes we feel that the busier we are, the more important we are - as though busyness defines our worth...We can spend a lifetime whirling about at a feverish pace, checking off list after list of things that in the end really don't matter.  That we do a lot may not be so important.  That we focus the energy of our minds, our hearts, and our souls on those things of eternal significance - that is essential."

Tomorrow's challenge:  make an effort to consciously simplify one aspect of my day to make time for family

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