Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 29: Attitude

Tonight our family watched, "Remember the Titans."  Great show!  One point in the movie the team captain comments to one of the other football players about his attitude, that " it was the worst attitude he had have ever seen".  The football player then comments back to the team captain, "Attitude reflects leadership, Captain."

That statement hit me.  I sat back and thought about it.  How many times have I gotten on my kids for doing, or saying something that reflected a bad attitude, but then thinking back, realized I had expressed ,at a previous time, the same bad attitude they did.  They were just following my example.

I was reminded today that I need to be ever mindful of the attitude and example I am setting for my kids every day.  I must set a good example of positive attitude first!

Tomorrow's challenge: have a positive attitude and example  

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