Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Week 47: Choose to love, choose to serve

With the hustle and bustle of the season this last week, I have found myself running against the clock getting ready for this party and that party, this event and that event, preparing this gift and that gift and have found myself not at my best self as the stress has overcome me.  I have found myself being not as patient with my children and husband as I should be and feeling badly that I have not treated them as I should have, especially for this time of the year.

I have pondered a lot this week and reflected over the many interactions I have had with my family and thought "How can I do better?"  I was cleaning my downstairs the other night getting ready for another party, when I came across a block my friend had made me.  It says, "Simplify Christmas, Celebrate Christ".  I really thought about this..."Celebrate Christ".  How can I do better and have a more peaceful feeling in my home during this time and all year?  By celebrating Christ and becoming more like him.  I thought about Christ and the type of person he was.  Was Christ ever unkind or impatient?  The obvious answer is no.  Christ always chose to love and to serve others.  It was a choice he made.  I have a choice just as my Savior did.  I should CHOOSE to LOVE and CHOOSE to SERVE as our Savior did, no matter how hard, even and especially when life gets stressful.  He set the true example, and I know as I celebrate that example, I and my family will find true happiness.  

Since realizing this, I have found myself reminding  my children and myself to choose love and choose service when contention starts to rise in our home.  It is a choice we all must make.

As we choose to become as our Savior through love and service, our lives will become more full and filled with joy and happiness.

This week's challenge:  to choose love and to choose service

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Week 46: Obedient Heart

Happy Holidays!!  What a great time of year!  Lots of great learning moments have occurred over the last few weeks.  One of them was at a church Youth Standards Night.  We as parents were able to attend with our youth and we went to three different classes all focused on standards and virtue.  In one of the classes we received this quote that really hit me strongly. 

"When obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that moment God will endow us with power."    - President Ezra Taft Benson

Wow!! I want to always be on God's team!  I want to always have that power!  Obedience brings true happiness and obedience brings power.  

This week's challenge: surround my life with things that strengthen me to have an obedient heart

Monday, November 14, 2011

Week 42: Attitude is everything!!

Every morning when our family gets together to have scripture study before school, we also have a family devotional.  Each week the topic changes and each day the person giving the devotional changes.

Today was my day to give the devotional and the topic was on "being cheerful".  My though was that we cannot control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond and react to what happens to us.  It is all about our attitude.  We can "choose to be" cheerful, even when things don't quite go our way.

Later on in the afternoon, I was reading a paper that came home from one of my kids teachers and it talked about attitude.  How fitting!!  I was inspired by the quotes on the paper and thought I would share, especially since they went so well with my devotional;

"Attitude is everything!"
"Go for the WOW factor!"
"Effort is the key to success"
"If you don't believe, you will never achieve"
"What you put in is what you get out"
"If you aim for nowhere, that is just where you will go"
"Failure comes with can't, success comes with can!"

Amen!  Attitude really is everything!

This week's challenge: aim for a positive attitude  

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Week 41: Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude

Yesterday was a pretty amazing day.  The night before on Friday, my husband mentioned that one of his lung cancer patients was raising money for lung cancer and was participating in the "2011 Free to Breathe" race.  He said that he would like to participate and wanted to know if I would like to join him.  "Sure" I responded.  A nice 3.1 mile run in the morning sounded good and it was for a good cause.  Little did I know what I was about to gain from that little decision.

We arrived the next morning and registered for the race.  600 people were there.  It was a beautiful fall morning and the excitement was in the air.  Many people wore signs who they were running "In memory" for.  Some of the people had green shirts on.  They were special, because they had lung cancer and were running for themselves.  One of them was my husbands patient.  She was ecstatic to see us.  She greeted my husband with a big smile and warm words of gratitude to him for supporting her.   Before the race started, she was able to speak to all the participants in gratitude for what they were doing and for helping support lung cancer.  She mentioned gratitude for her family and even for her oncologist (my husband) for being there.  I could tell this meant a lot to her.

The race started and we actually did quite well.  But what was really rewarding was watching all the people cross the finish line in support of Free to Breathe and those with lung cancer.  I was touched by those in the green shirts who were racing for their lives.  

As we were waiting for the awards, my husband's patient was eager to introduce her parents, sister, and family members to my husband, her doctor.  I listened  to her parents thank my husband for helping their daughter and that just a year ago at the same race her mother didn't think they would be there yesterday.  How grateful they felt.  I sat there and listened to my husband's patient brag about and praise my husband to her family.  I sat in awe and listened to her say how much she appreciated and loved my husband for what he had done for her over this last year since she had been diagnosed.  Very sincerely she told me that my husband helps make her feel that she can do this.  Then she began to thank me for sharing him and how hard that must be for me to sacrifice being away from my husband so much so that he can help touch the lives of his patients for the better.

I was more than humbled as I sat and listened to what was being said.  I was humbled and grateful for this incredible husband I have and for the blessing I got to see first hand how his life touches the lives of others.  And I was humbled to be in the presence of this amazing woman who has not sat back and said, "Oh, poor me, I have cancer, I will just sit back and give up the fight", but who has stood with courage over this last year with a smile on her face and in service to others and in the fight for herself and others with cancer.

I walked away yesterday getting so much more out of this experience than I went in giving.  I walked away with a greater desire to be more like this amazing woman and to live my life with an attitude of gratitude for every day I have to live and for the little things I have, with the courage to make a difference in the world, with a desire to serve, to attack every day with a smile and positive attitude, and to never take anything for granted.    

I am grateful that Heavenly Father allowed me to have and learn from this experience.  It was truly a tender mercy that humbles me to strive to be better in all aspects in my life and to always be grateful for the little things.

This week's challenge: to live with an attitude of gratitude!

Week 39: I am a daughter of God

I had a really special experience the week before Halloween that made me stop and remember that I am loved by my Heavenly Father.

As I said, it was the week before Halloween.  My plate that week was FULL beyond full.  In fact, it was about to topple over, it was so full.  It was Tuesday of the week, I had all of my kids off to school except for my two youngest ones.  I had just finished teaching a group exercise class and needed to quickly shower so I could put my baby down for a nap and then clean the house before I started teaching piano lessons.

As I quickly got in the shower, I found myself in a moment of feeling VERY overwhelmed as I recalled all I had to do for that specific day in addition to all I needed to accomplish the rest of the week.  I felt stretched to thin and as if I was running a marathon without a break and yet not completing all that needed to be done.  I immediately found myself in humble prayer, pleading to my Heavenly Father for strength and courage to accomplish all that I needed to do and asking for guidance that I might be able to use my time wisely to complete what was required of me as a mother, a teacher, with my new business, in fulfilling my callings, etc.   I got out of the shower and continued to finish getting ready, when I just felt an even deeper need for my Heavenly Father.  I needed to know right then that He was there.  I just needed to feel His strength.  I needed to feel Him close.

I stopped right there, got down on my knees again, and told my Heavenly Father that right there at that moment I needed His strength and I just needed to feel Him near.  I told Him (mind you, I have never done this) that I was going to open my scriptures right then and I needed Him to tell me where to read.  I stopped and waited, when right away a scripture verse came to my mind as clear as day as if someone was typing it in my head.  The verse was Mosiah 27:13 in the Book of Mormon.  I opened my scriptures and went directly to the verse.

This chapter in the Book of Mormon describes the story of Alma the Younger and how he, with the four sons of Mosiah, were destroying the Church.  Verse 13 begins with an angel, who appeared to them in the previous verse, speaking to them and asking them why they were persecuting the Church?  Then the angel said in verse 14; (which is what I felt Heavenly Father wanted me to hear)

"And again, the angel said; Behold, the Lord hath heard the prayers of his people, and also the prayers of his servant, Alma, who is thy father; for he has prayed with much faith concerning thee that thou mightest be brought to the knowledge of the truth; therefore for this purpose have I come to convince thee of the power and authority of God, that the prayers of his servants might be answered according to their faith."

Nothing more needed to be said.  I was overwhelmed with a deep feeling of love from my Heavenly Father to the point that I could physically feel His arms around me.  It was as if He was saying, "I know you, I hear you, I am here to be your strength, and I love you."  I was reminded again at that moment that I am a daughter of God, that He knows me personally, that He hears every one of my prayers, that He is here to strengthen me and to cheer me on, and that He loves me more that I could ever fathom.

My testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ grew leaps and bounds that moment and in the testimony that I am a daughter of God.  That knowledge is priceless and will ever be a beacon of strength to me throughout my life.  For that I am ever grateful!

This week's challenge: to live my life in a way that reflects the knowledge that I am a daughter of God

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week 37: Only believe

It has been awhile since I have posted on "but a spring chick", but I will tell you that I have been doing a lot of pondering during that time.

When I first decided to do this blog, the idea was to post every day about the things I had learned that would help me be a better person.  I realized it was too hard to keep up.  I then decided that I would post every week something I had learned.  Well, as you can see, sometimes that has not happened.  My first thought seeing that I have not posted in 4 weeks was,  "Oh, didn't meet your goal of posting every week."  That thought in the past would have stayed in my head for awhile with probably some additional thoughts of, "I feel like I failed", "The blog is not complete", etc.  Instead, I took a different view.    My response instead was, "That's okay.  I have been really busy.  Life is life and I will just continue to post from this point on."  What a big step for me!!!  Looks like I am changing little by little for the better.  Hooray!

Well as I said, the past four weeks have been filled with a lot of pondering about who I am and who I want to become.  I had a profound "ah, ha" moment a couple weeks ago.  As I was thinking about myself, who I was and how inadequate I felt in so many aspects of my life, the thought came to me that I use to be such a confident person and now I question everything I do and my ability to do it.  I asked myself, "What made me confident then?"  The answer clearly came into my head, "You believed in yourself."

That was the answer.  Overtime, I had forgotten to believe in myself and had relied to long on a negative influence that told me I was not good enough.  I am good enough and it was time I started believing in myself, my abilities, and my talents again.  Following this realization, I immediately felt lighter, I stood a little taller, and I felt a strength and a confidence I had not felt in a long time.  It was time for the insecure me to leave me, to stop worrying about what others thought about me, and begin believing in myself.

I think of the scripture in Mark 9: 23 -
"All things are possible to him that believeth."

What truth that scripture rings.  All things are possible in my life as I believe in myself, for I am "but a spring chick!"

This weeks challenge: believe in my talents, my abilities, and in myself

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Week 33: What a smile can do!

‎"A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you are home." - Author Unknown

This weeks challenge: smile, smile, smile!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Week 32: Patience

"Sometimes patience can make an ETERNAL difference!"

This week's challenge: be more patient.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 30-31: Laugh a little

What a couple of weeks it has been.  I learned a couple valuable lessons this past week.  Let me share:

I woke up Friday morning feeling rather ill.  I had been up most of the night with a sick stomach and an achy body.  Husband was already gone to work when I got out of bed.  I mustard the energy to get 3 of the 6 kids out the door to school.  I had an hour and a 1/2 before I needed to be at the gym teaching a group fitness class.  I thought to myself, "There is no way I can teach a class this morning, I better get a sub."  I was leery though about not teaching my class because I had been out of town a lot from summer vacations.  I decided to suck it up, take some medicine, and go and teach my class.

I made it to my class and even taught a pretty good one despite being sick.  I gathered the kids from the kids care at the gym, hopped into the car, buckled up, and started on our way home to get my kindergartner on the bus for school when all of the sudden I heard a horrible sound of scraping and bending metal.

My heart sank in an instant.  I felt sick to my stomach all over again!  "Did I just really do what I thought it sounded like I did?", I said to myself.  I immediately stuck the car in reverse, backed up, stopped the car, and got out.  Oh yes, it was true, I had hit the car next to me as I pulled forward out of the parking spot and turned to go home.  I couldn't believe it.  I had never been in a car accident before and yet, I created my own accident with a parked car!  How idiotic is that????  As I assessed the damage I couldn't believe what I saw.  My car didn't have much damage, a little denting and scraping by the back door, but the car I hit.....OH, was bad.  I mangled and tore off at least half of the bumper and damaged lights and all.  How does one do that going just a couple miles an hour?

I felt horrible.  I went back into work and had to tell my boss I hit a car and then we had to try and find the owner of the car.  When owner saw his car he about died.  I apologized over, and over and over again.  We exchanged information and insurance stuff and then off I was heading home again.

I spent the whole drive home beating myself up about what had just happened.  "If I would have only stayed home and gotten a sub", "I didn't feel well anyway", "How could I be so unobservant", "That one hour of work cost me lots of money," were the things that kept going through my mind.  By the time I got home I felt even worse.

After dwelling for an hour over what had happened that morning, I had a little "wake up moment" and realized I could either keep ruining my day by beating my self up and feeling down about the situation, or I could just simply laugh at my silly mistake and move on.  Mistakes happen and the reality was, it is only money.  As I changed my view on the whole situation, I began to chuckle a little that I actually hit a parked car.  Not many people can say that.  And I did have a 19 1/2 year clean driving record to be proud of.  I also learned to never drive when you are sick, your depth perception is off!!  My kids got a chuckle out of it when they got home from school and my husband was very understanding.

Life is to short to get angry, instead laugh a little!  A smile will make everything better.

This week's challenge: laugh a little more      

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Week 29: The gift of tender mercies

I don't have any spectacular story to share this week or an inspiring quote to give, but as I look back on this past week I sit in awe at all of the tender mercies my Savior and Heavenly Father have bestowed upon me.  I have been constantly reminded that they love me because of the small, simple things that have touched my life this past week.  How thankful I am for their tender mercies and for the great love they show me.

This week's challenge:  don't overlook the tender mercies...they are gifts of love!  

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Week 28: Becoming more selfless

I was reading a Facebook post by a friend and it said:

"Take the time to change the world for just one person."

That saying really hit me when I read it.  If there is one thing I have learned more over the last little while than ever before, it is concerning the principle of selflessness.  This saying reminds me of selflessness.  Many times we are so busy in our own lives and schedules that we fail to make time, or should I say, leave time in our lives to serve others.  Sometimes in my life, I have found myself being so over scheduled that all I can think about is myself and all "I" have to do.   Life all the sudden becomes all about "me".  I end up feeling so frazzled that I don't possibly have any energy or time left for others.  Not a way to live!!  I have found though, that as I have slowed down and made life and my schedule not all about me, but more about others, I have found a greater feeling of happiness, peace, and fulfillment in my life.  It is a conscious choice we all must make.

This week's challenge: less about me, more about others


Friday, July 29, 2011

Week 27: T-I-M-E

Near the end of his life, one father looked back on how he had spent his time on earth.  An acclaimed, respected author of numerous scholarly works, he said, "I wish I had written one less book and taken my children fishing more often."

"Time is a gift, a treasure not to be put aside for the future, but to be used wisely in the present."  
-President Tomas S. Monson

This week's challenge:  Be more mindful of how I use my time each day

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week 24-26: Half way there and committed all the way!

I have to confess, I have been on vacation for the last 3 weeks and have missed posting.  In order to keep on track with my birthday, this will be a combined post for the last 3 weeks.

Speaking of birthdays, tomorrow is my 1/2 birthday.  It is my "YEA day"...every 27th of each month.  I will be 35 and a 1/2.  My "but a spring chick" journey is 1/2 way over.  It has been 6 months of a lot of pondering, learning, and growing as I have worked more at trying to become who Heavenly Father needs and wants me to become.  I haven't been perfect, but I have seen a change take place in myself for the better.  

As I have been focusing on making this year the best ever and as I have tried to improve myself for the better, I have found myself slowing down more, making more time for the little things that matter most like my family and myself.  I have given myself permission to sit and enjoy life moments more without feeling guilty about the "to do" list written on my paper.  I have learned how important it is to forgive.  Holding grudges only weighs one down.  I have embraced more fully the power and the blessings that come from saying, "I am a mother!"  I have recognized that I am of worth.  I have found myself relying on the Lord more and paying attention and recognizing His tender mercies in my daily life.  I have also taken more time to ponder and feel His love in the beauty around me as I have watched a setting sun, a beautiful snowfall, a budding flower, or have felt the breeze on my face as I have biked past a field of green.  I have felt more joy in my heart as I have focused more, the last 6 months, on things that matter most!  

I read this week an article out of the July 2011 Ensign of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints.  It was entitled, "I'm Committed".  In that article President Uchtdorf says: 
"Either you are committed or you are not.  Either you are moving forward or you are standing still.  There's no halfway.  We all face moments of decision that change the rest of our lives."  

I love this quote!  I want to be one of commitment.  I want to be one moving forward, changing my life and the lives of others for the better.  I get excited when I think of life in that way.  The last 6 months have been a learning experience for me.  I am committed to moving forward and I look forward to more learning and growing experiences over the next 6 months.    

It is never to late to change, to develop talents, to learn, to grow, and to become who we want to become!  Remember, we are all "but spring chicks!"  I am committed to this great journey, to my family, to myself, and to my Maker.  Cheers to the next 6 months!  

This week's challenge:  to always remember I am committed to my family, myself, and to my Heavenly Father

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Week 22-23: True Love

I love the month of June for many reasons, some of which are; flowers, sunshine, gardens, school being out, sleeping in, more time to play with my kids, trips to the pool or lake, snow cones, fireflies, late movie and game nights, and dinners outside.  I also love June because it is my anniversary month.  Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our 15 year anniversary.

As June began, my thoughts these last few weeks have turned to my anniversary and how love changes over the years.  I have been thinking a lot about love and marriage and what makes a marriage successful.  I have also been pondering upon what true love is.  Love changes.  I believe that love takes on a different meaning to couples as time goes on.  The love a couple feels at 15 years of marriage is different and has a different meaning than the love felt on one's wedding day.

I found a card that expressed so eloquently what I feel true love is:

"Love has little to do with moonlight and balconies and everything to do with patience, acceptance, and hanging in there.  Love can't always move mountains or change the world overnight.  But it can open its arms at the end of a long, bad day and welcome you home to true belonging.  Love brings a beautiful wholeness.  Nothing else quite compares with the sense of completeness that comes from sharing with that one special person for a lifetime."  

Love is patience, acceptance, enduring, belonging, wholeness, completeness, and may I add, selflessness.  I have asked myself if the love I posses portrays these qualities and if not, what changes do I need to make? As I continue on this year with my journey of bettering myself, I hope to work towards gaining better qualities of true love and then showing that love more to others.

This weeks challenge: to show true, deep love to those I care about and not assume they already know

Friday, June 17, 2011

Week 21: become a builder

"Leave people better than you found them."

This weeks challenge: be a builder

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Week 20: Soaking up each moment

I am feeling very sentimental today.  My heart is full of gratitude.  Today is one of those milestone days.  Today was the last day of the school year for my children.  It is one of those days each year that I spend reflecting  upon how my children have changed over the year.  I reflect on all that my children have accomplished, learned, ways they have grown, the experiences they have had that have molded and refined them, and the obstacles they have successfully overcome.  I have to say, I am so proud of each and everyone of my dear children.  They each started out this school year with many firsts and hardships that come with moving to a new city and home and they each have risen above and succeeded.

Today was also a reminder again of how quickly they grow up.  Another year, another grade completed, another chapter of memories for their book and my book of life.  

As I have reflected today, I have been reminded how special and unique this gift of motherhood is in my life and how important it is for me to soak up each and every moment of my children's lives and not take any of it for granted.  As I know, tomorrow will definitely come, more birthdays will occur, they will each get a little older, and another school year will end.  I cannot freeze time, but I can make the most of every moment I have with each of these precious gifts that have blessed my life.  

This week's challenge: soak up each moment I have with my children

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Week 18-19: New Beginnings

"Count each day as a new beginning.  Only look back on yesterday if there is something you can learn from it to give you a brighter tomorrow & then don't dwell on it!"

This was a quote from one of my friends. This quote is so true.  It really struck me when I read it this week.  I am one that dwells on the past and at times beats myself up over and over again for things I did, or didn't do; for things I said, or didn't say; or for ways I acted that may have not been showing my best self; or for not being the best mother, wife, sister, friend, etc. that I should have been.  I know it is not healthy to dwell on such things, but my human nature kicks in.  

I think of the quote:
"Today is a gift, that is why it is called the present."

Each day is a gift and a new beginning to better ourselves and touch the lives of others for good.  I pray that I may not waste away today by dwelling on yesterday, but that I will move forward in faith and embrace the present!

This week's challenge: don't dwell on the negative of yesterday

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week 17: Courage

"Whatever you ask Lord, I will do."

This weeks challenge: to move forward in faith, despite lack of understanding

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Week 16: The example of a mother!

It is May and Mother's Day has already come and gone.  Hard to believe!  I had a wonderful Mother's Day with my family.  My family made me breakfast, gave me presents, cards, and loves.  My husband offered to make dinner, but I wanted to make it with my kids.  We made homemade sushi and gyozas.  It was a Japanese night.  It was so enjoyable being together.  I feel some of my greatest joy when I see my family having a good time together.  Those are the moments that make it all worth it.  Mother's Day evening was one of those moments; having fun making dinner and then watching a slide show of me that my kids had put together.  It was great.  We all smiled and laughed together!  I felt so special and felt incredibly grateful for the children that have blessed my life.

I have thought a lot about motherhood lately.  It seems to always be on my mind.  I have been thinking about what is the most important thing I can do in teaching my children.  For me, I have come to realize that my example is the most important teaching tool I have in raising my children.  Whether I want to believe it or not, my children are always watching what I do and taking a mental note whether they know it or not.  Whether it be how I take care of my body, what I choose to do during my free time, how I speak of others, what music I choose to listen to, if I choose to read my scriptures, what I choose to do on the Sabbath, how I treat my family members, how I respond to my children, what talents I choose to develop, or what I choose to do for fun, my children are always watching and learning from me.  I must be constantly aware of the type of example I am setting.  My children are learning from me every hour of every day.  That can be a very overwhelming feeling.  I can't let it overwhelm me, but just take it one day at a time.

President David O. McKay once said of women:  "She who can paint a masterpiece or write a book that will influence millions deserves the admiration and the plaudits of mankind; but she who rears successfully a family of healthy, beautiful sons and daughters, whose influence will be felt through generations to come...long after paintings shall have faded, and books and statues shall have decayed or shall have been destroyed, deserves the highest honor that man can give, and the choicest blessings of God."     

What a blessing it is to be a mother!

This week's challenge:  be an example for good within and outside of my home

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Week 14 & 15: Inspire, Inspire, Inspire!!!

I have had the most wonderful weekend with some absolutely amazing women.  Each year three of my friend and I get together for a girls weekend.  This year the girls came to visit me in my hometown.  We had such a fun weekend talking, eating, playing, and laughing together.  Being around these stalwart women this weekend was such an uplifting experience.  Their examples and outlook on life were inspiring.  As we spent the weekend talking I was inspired to make changes in my family so we can be the "best" we can be.

One thing I learned from one of my friends is the importance of "inspiring" through parenting instead of "requiring".  Inspiring is the Lords way of parenting.  It allows our children to make their own choices and allows them to gain a real desire from within themselves to learn and develop talents they want to pursue.  Requiring or forcing our children is not of Lord.  Requiring or forcing takes away that free agency.  I have noticed that I have been one who requires instead of inspires.  This is not how I want to be anymore.  I hope that over this year I will be able to learn more about how to inspire and be one that inspires instead of requires.  I believe in doing so, my family members will grow within themselves, that our relationships with each other will be filled with more love, and that we will have more peace in our family.

This week's challenge:  seek to inspire   


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Week 13: An instrument in His hands

I was reminded this week about the importance the roll the Spirit plays in my life.  In addition, I was reminded of the importance to always act upon the promptings of the Spirit.

Saturday morning I was driving home from a fun Relief Society 5k run I participated in that morning.  As I turned  left onto the road before my community, I saw in the distance a police car parked in the middle of the road.  I first thought, "That is interesting.  I wonder what the cop car is doing in the middle of the road?"  I continued to drive down the street and then made a left turn into my community heading to my house.  As soon as I turned, I immediately had this feeling that I should go and see what was going on down the road.  I wasn't sure why.  It was none of my business and it didn't make sense for me to turn around, I was right in front of my house.  Within just a few seconds this nagging feeling to turn around tugged stronger at my heart.  I turned around and headed out my community.  "I guess I am going for a drive", I thought.

As I drove down the street I noticed there had been an accident.  I saw only one small car off the road on the right.  I turned right on the street next to the car that was off the road in order to circle around back to my house when I looked back to notice that another car had been in the accident on the opposite side of the road.  I immediately thought, "I know that other car and I know those people."  It was my Bishop, his wife and their daughter.  My heart sank.  "Not again", I thought.  Their son, just the previous month had been in a bad car accident, was taken to the hospital, and eventually needed surgery.

I instantly turned my car around and headed to the aid of my dear friends.  The lady from the other car had to be cut out of the car and had already been taken to the hospital when I got there.  My Bishop, his wife (my dear friend) and their daughter were in the process of taking things out of their car that had been hit and were placing them into another car.  They all looked a bit shaken up and overwhelmed as to what had just happened.  I could tell my sweet friend was on the verge of tears.  I parked, got out of the car, and immediately went over and gave her a hug.  I could tell at that moment that is what she needed most.  After composing ourselves, she informed me as to what had happened.  How grateful I was to hear that their family seemed to be okay except for a couple of bumps here and there.

I drove away from that situation feeling strongly that Heavenly Father directed me there that morning.  I didn't do much, but simply had love and support to give.

My friend today gave me a beautiful potted purple flower with a card to say thank you.  Inside the card she wrote, "I am so thankful for you and your kindness.  I know you were listening to your heart and for that I am so thankful.  I know the Lord sent you to bring me comfort and hope."

I am thankful for this experience this week that strengthened my testimony on the power the Spirit can have and the opportunity I have to be an instrument in the Lords hands helping share His tender mercies, if I but listen carefully to that still small voice.

This week's challenge:  learn to listen for the Spirit and then act

Monday, April 11, 2011

Week 12: Making more time for prayer

Our family took a fun trip this past week to Maryland and Washington DC for spring break.  While trying to pass the time away during the 7 hour and 45 minute drive home, I put in a CD that was a talk given by Sheri Dew entitled, "Arise and Shine Forth".

It was such a great talk that when the hour was over, I simply let the CD start over on its own and listened to it again.  She spoke on women and our roll in these the last days.  It was about arising and going forward, sticking to the task before us, and doing what we were sent here to do; to building the kingdom of God.

There was a point in the talk where Sheri Dew spoke about a mother of 9.  Sheri asked this mother of 9, how, amongst all the chaos of raising 9 children, did she find time to spiritually feed herself?  She replied that one day she went to her husband and asked him if there was a 1/2 an hour each day that he could take care of the kids, so that she could study her scriptures and pray.  She needed that time so that she could be a better mother and wife.  During that 1/2 an hour every day, this mother of 9 made sure she studied her scriptures for 15 minutes and prayed for 15 minutes.

This hit me when I heard it.  I try to regularly study my scriptures on a daily basis, but I have never thought of making more time for my prayers.  In the morning when I pray, I quickly get on my knees and say a short prayer before I study my scriptures and at night I am so tired my prayers aren't very long.  I can say my prayers are not reaching their full potential.

This thought of allowing myself more time to pray and listen made so much sense.  How can I receive personal revelation and hear what Heavenly Father has to say to me if I am not allowing myself enough time to tell Heavenly Father what is on my mind, or listen to what He has to tell me?

I allowed myself more time to pray this morning and it was very nice.   I had more time to think and  ponder and had a greater feeling of peace accompany my morning.

This weeks challenge: make more time for prayer 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Week 11: What would life be without friends?

I got a fun package in the mail yesterday from one of my best friends.  It was a birthday gift and inside it had three spring chickens and a darling wood board that said, "but a spring chick".  This package made my day.  My friend had really taken time to do something meaningful for me.  She is one of those true and faithful friends that makes my life brighter.  I love her dearly.

In the package there was a card and on the front was the picture of a flower and on the stem it said, "A friendship grows forever".  There is truth to those words.  Just like with our talents, faith, or our testimonies, friendships needs to be constantly nourished.  As we do so, they have a potential to grow forever!  

I am ever grateful for all of my dear friends.

This week's challenge:  daily, do something to strengthen one of my friendships

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 10: Trust

This week my mind has been racing over many issues that have been causing me stress and worry in my life.  It seems that no matter how much I have been praying and fasting lately, the answers either don't seem to be coming, or they are coming and are just not what I wanted them to be.

I have finally come to the realization that I am spending too much energy stressing and worrying about things that I cannot control.  It is time for me to put my hands up in the air and surrender to my Heavenly Father and His will, instead of fighting for my own.  As hard and as scary as that feels right now, I know that if I just trust in Him, that He will take care of me and that it will all work out.

I am reminded of one of my favorite scriptures,

Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

I know Heavenly Father is aware of me and all that I am facing in my life right now.  I know that He loves me.  I know that although I do not understand why the answers to my prayers have been what they are, that I must trust in those answers and remember that as I do so, Heavenly Father will direct my path.

This week's challenge: to anchor myself in greater faith and trust in my Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ

Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 9: The birds are singing!!

Snow is melted, grass is starting to look green, trees are budding, flowers blooming, the birds are singing and all I can say is, "hallelujah"!!  Spring is finally upon us.  My cute 5 year old said the other day, "Mom, that is a beautiful sound to hear the birds singing."  I stopped, chuckled to myself, and then agreed with him, "Yes it is!"

Today was the warmest day of the year so far and I LOVED it!!  Our family has spent more time outside this past week, enjoying the beauty around and the warm weather.  I am appreciating this spring more than I have any other.  I have taken more time to soak in the beauty around me.  I have watched in amazement the beginning of a green bud emerge out of the ground and within days grow into a tall stem with a flower at the head.  I have noticed in awe, my neighbors bare trees one day and then the next day see them full with small, red budding leaves.  I noticed myself  thinking how amazing this process is and thought, how could there not be a God after witnessing the miracle of the earth change from winter to spring?

I am reminded of one of my favorite songs by Hilary Weeks.  It is called, "He Is"...

He is the first ray of sun to reach above the mountain
He is a gentle ocean breeze on my face
He's a long deep breath at the end of the day
He is a warm afternoon at the end of September
He is a silent snowfall and the deafening crash of thunder
He is endless stars on a cloudless night.

He is the laughter of children and the wonder in their eyes
On a distant rocky shore, He's a clear and steady light
He is wrinkled hands and tiny newborn fingers
He's the beckon that calls you home
He is the sturdy staff that leads you to drink beside still waters
He's the reason why the lilies grow

He is a sermon on a mount
He is a widow and her mite
He is the blind man's first glimpse of light 
He is the garden and a prayer
He is two strangers on a hill
He is an empty tomb and the price that heaven paid
He's our chance to try again

He is open arms
He is a quiet invitation
He is hope when hope is gone
He is lasting peace and the answer we are seeking
He is the pathway home
He is
Yes, He is

This week has made me think more about my Savior, Jesus Christ.  The daily evidence of His life and love give me the courage to move foward on my journey.  I am thankful for the moments I have had this week to reflect on his power in my life through the simple budding of a flower and the song of a bird.

This week's challenge:  notice more and enjoy daily God's creations!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 8: Making more time for loved ones

Since this past Friday, March 11, my thoughts have been turned to Japan and the 8.9 earthquake and resulting tsunami which has destroyed much and killed thousands. I have thought a lot about all of the lives and families that have been effected by this natural disaster.  My heart has been deeply touched and saddened.  My sister and her kids live in Japan and  experienced first hand the earthquake, the scare of what was going on, and the loss of control as they tried to reunite back with each other.  I can't even imagine what my sister and nephews felt and went through that day.  I am so grateful they are all safe back together.

I have thought a lot about family the past few days.  I have asked myself over and over again, what have I done lately to make sure each of my children and my husband know I love them?  Have I been one that has been a force for good in the family and one that uplifts, or have I been a negative influence in the family lately?  Am I forgiving, patient and loving, or short tempered, unkind and quick to criticize?  Have I put more priority in cleaning the house, doing the bills, and watching my favorite TV show instead of  spending quality time with my family members?

This tragedy in Japan has made me really self evaluate myself and focus on what I need to improve upon.  Like I have said before, it is all about the family.  It is time for me to put my priorities back in the right place and focus more of my positive energy on my family.  I don't want them to ever question my love for them because of what I say and do.  Instead, I hope they always know I love them because of what I say and do.

This week's challenge:  spend quality time with each of my family members every day! 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Week 7: A living Prophet!

This week I was reminded how important the words of the prophets are, both ancient and today.  I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: and  We believe that we have a living prophet on this earth to guide and direct us, just like the prophets of the Old Testament.  I am so thankful for President Monson and the other General Authorities that teach me what I need to know while on this earth so that I can return back to my Heavenly Father.

In our church, I am one of the leaders over the children ages 18 months to 11 years old.  This month during Primary our theme is: "Heavenly Father Speaks to Us through His Prophets" and our scripture is: "What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken...whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same." (D&C 1:38)  

I am so grateful for the knowledge I have that I have a living Prophet to listen to and to learn from.  I love President Monson so much.  I am making it my goal this week to read a talk from one of the Latter- day Prophets every day and then take into practice what I learn.

This week's challenge:  read a talk from one of the Latter-day Prophets every day

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 6: Back to the basics...humility!!

Well as you can see, I have decided to post on a weekly basis instead of a daily basis from this point on.  Since starting this blog, I have enjoyed the time each day I have had to reflect on the day and look at the lessons I have learned and the things that I can work on to become a better person.

I am finding though, that I want more time to really focus on and put to practice more these little life lessons.  I have decided to give myself a whole week to work on a specific "life lesson moment", or "attribute" so that I may truly internalize it and make it more a part of me.  Because for me, that is the whole point of this journey.  Not to just write about a bunch of experiences, or favorite quotes every day, but to become a better person through putting to practice what I have learned.

So, my goal is to really focus that week on whatever thought, or life lesson, or attribute I was touched by and to truly study about it that week.  To think about it continually as I go about my daily life and to internalize it, so that maybe, it will start to become a part of me!!

With that in mind, this week I want to go back to that great word, humility!  I was really struck with what I learned on day 9 of my journey.  I truly believe that humility is one of the most important attributes we must internalize.

On the website, humility is defined as:
"To be humble is to recognize gratefully our dependence on the Lord—to understand that we have constant need for His support. Humility is an acknowledgment that our talents and abilities are gifts from God. It is not a sign of weakness, timidity, or fear; it is an indication that we know where our true strength lies. We can be both humble and fearless. We can be both humble and courageous."

I love that it says we can be both humble and fearless; humble and courageous!  I think sometimes it takes courage to be humble.  If I were more humble, I know many of the daily heartaches and contention I experience would melt away.  I pray for more humility.  I look forward to the new week I have to study about and put into practice more humility in my life.  I know as I do so, more happiness will fill my soul.

This week's challenge: be humble in all things!

Day 30: Forgiveness

I learned a magical lesson on forgiveness.  My husband is one incredible example of one who constantly forgives others.  If I could only be half the person he is, I would be pretty great.  This year, as I am trying every day to become more like my Savior, I realize I need to be more forgiving, not only to others, but to myself included.  As we become more forgiving, our love and the joy of life increases.

Tomorrow's challenge:  don't forget to forgive!!  

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 29: Attitude

Tonight our family watched, "Remember the Titans."  Great show!  One point in the movie the team captain comments to one of the other football players about his attitude, that " it was the worst attitude he had have ever seen".  The football player then comments back to the team captain, "Attitude reflects leadership, Captain."

That statement hit me.  I sat back and thought about it.  How many times have I gotten on my kids for doing, or saying something that reflected a bad attitude, but then thinking back, realized I had expressed ,at a previous time, the same bad attitude they did.  They were just following my example.

I was reminded today that I need to be ever mindful of the attitude and example I am setting for my kids every day.  I must set a good example of positive attitude first!

Tomorrow's challenge: have a positive attitude and example  

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 28: The priceless gift of motherhood

Still sick today, so don't have a lot of energy to post, but I have done a lot of thinking.  I have learned today that motherhood is priceless.  Although it is the hardest job, by far, and there are days I wonder if I will make it, there are "moments of magic" through out the day that make every bit of the sacrifice worth it.

I learned today, that I was sent on this earth to be a mother and that motherhood is a privilege and a blessing.    Trials come, it is hard, but the intermittent moments of joy and love that come from this sacred calling outweigh it all.

Tomorrow's challenge:  enjoy the daily "moments of magic" 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 27: Grateful for the small things

I am sick today and feel like I can barely think, but as I look back today on what I have learned, it is to be grateful for the small things.  I am grateful for a soft bed to rest my body tonight.  It also has made me grateful for when I am of full health!!

Tomorrow's challenge:  1- get better and 2- treat my family with kindness even though I don't feel well!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 26: Criticizing will get ya nowhere!!

I am reading a great book.  It is "Behind Every Good Man" by John Bytheway.  Today I was reading about criticizm and how toxic it is.  He qoutes Dr. John L. Lund:

"The objective of those who give criticism is to change the one being criticized.  Often the critic is hopeful of a change of heart or an improved behavior.  Criticism is extremely toxic to the human spirit.  It is more likely to kill the deisre for change than it is to inspire it."

As my goal this year is to become a better wife and mother, I have thought back recently concerning my interactions with my husband and kids and noticed how much I actually criticize my husband and kids without realizing it.

John Bytheway gives some examples of ways we criticize without realizing we are doing it.  For example:

Correcting what he said:  "It was last Wednesday, not Thursday."

Questioning his judgement:  "Are you going to cook those eggs one at a time?"

Making unrealistic demands of his time and energy:  "After you rotate the tires and paint the shed, I want  you to listen to how my day was."


Valuing others' needs over his:  Saying to a friend, "Oh, he's not too tired to come and pick you up and then take you back home after we have a nice visit."

Something to think about!!  I am definitely being more critical on a daily basis than I realize.

John Bytheway also gave this great example.  He said of himself, "When I'm tempted to think of things I wish my wife would do, I simply think of all the things I should be doing, and I'm suddenly very forgiving.  The critical spirit leaves, a spirit of humility returns, and my focus turns more inward."

There is that humility word again!  I love that example and I am going to try to follow it.

Tomorrow's challenge:  think before I speak!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 25: Today is a gift!!

"Today is a gift, that is why it is called the present!"

Tomorrow's challenge:  live in the moment and enjoy the gift of today!  

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 24: Have fun

Just finished one of my favorite nights of the year; hosting my Couples Valentine's Progressive Dinner.  It was a fun night filled with building new friendships, great food, and lots of laughter.  I think too often people, including myself, get so caught up in all the "to do" things we have on our daily list that we forget to just stop and have fun once in awhile.  Today was a day for me to stop and just have fun enjoying the moment!

Tomorrow's challenge: have fun  

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 23: No room for offense!!

I am being more honest than I want to be in my post today, but I learned a valuable lesson this week.  Boy, I wish I were perfect, but the truth of the matter is, I'm human, so I must forgive myself, change, and become better.  

My wise sister, whom I just love to pieces, gave me some advice right before I got married.  My sweet grandpa gave her this same advice.  She said, "never give or take offense".  Oh the wisdom in those words.  My sister has truly taken those words to heart.  I can honestly say, I have never see or heard my sister give or take offense.  She is one of the most loving, forgiving, and caring person I know.  I want to be like my sister and not give or take offense.  It just does no good to do so.    

I am learning that I am an overly sensitive person and that I often take offense.  Not the greatest of habits!  Earlier in the week I took offense from my husband, on Valentine's Day of all days, and have held a grudge until today. Let me tell you, it made for a lousy week.  After much humbling today, I asked for amends and some forgiveness.  I feel a million times lighter and was a better wife and mother without that grudge weighing me down.

I know that if I am to become who Heavenly Father needs me to be, then my life must have no room for giving or taking offense.  I am better than that!  I must choose to never give or take offense.  I make a promise to myself that from this day forward I will do so!  

My life challenge:  to forgive always!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 22: His strength

I can do hard things with the strength of the Lord!

Tomorrow's challenge: seek for His strength 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 21: The power of a smile

Today I was reminded about the power of a simple smile.  It has been one of those days.  I have been feeling pretty down and out.  Nothing has seemed to be going right.  The day started out rocky with the kids this morning and it just kind of went from there.

Well, this afternoon I went to pick up my son from school, still feeling down when my son jumped into the car with a big smile on his face.  He said, "Hi Mom!"  That simple smile and cheerful greeting immediately made me feel better!  It doesn't take much to brighten someones day.

Tomorrow's challenge:  smile big

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 20: Self reflection

Today I am "simplifying" my life by writing a simple quote for my post to allow me time to relax in a hot bath.  I have had a very busy and productive day and now need a little "rest and relaxation" time.

My post today is a reminder of a quote that I use to read daily.  I need to start re-reading it again to remind me what my daily focus should be on.  I am not sure who the author is, but the quote is:

"My worth as a person is not determined by what I accomplish each day, but by the type of person I was that day!"

Can I hold my head up high as I think of the person I was today?  Something to ponder about.

Tomorrow's challenge: shine for good

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 19: Love is in the air!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!  Valentine's day, next to Christmas, is my favorite holiday!  What a great thing to focus on and celebrate; LOVE!

One of my favorite quotes comes from an unknown author:
"The love of a family is life's greatest blessing"

That is truly what life is all about - the family.  Nothing else in the world is as important as the family.  On this special day take the time to tell your family how much you love them.

Today and tomorrow's challenge:  tell your family you love them

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 18: Lose yourself in service

It is Valentine's Eve and what a fun day it has been.  I took my own advise today. First of all, I started my day off with a couple cups of water and then drank throughout the day and I have to say, I have had more energy.  Who knows, there may be some truth to the dehydration theory.  Second, I tried to simplify some aspects of my day and focus on my family and it truly has made for a fun day.

I have spent the day in the act of service for my family and friends as I have prepared for Valentine's day.  As I have taken the focus off myself and onto others, I have felt happier and so much joy!

I think of a quote by Mohandas Gandhi:
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others"  

What powerful and true words!

As tomorrow is Valentine's Day, may we share our love as we serve those around us.

Tomorrow's challenge: selflessly serve

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 17: Simplify

I had the opportunity to attend a world wide training for my church this morning.  I had the privilege to listen and learn from leaders and apostles from my church.  It was an absolute treat.

I took away many great words of wisdom this morning, but one specific thought struck me.  It was the combined idea of simplifying, easing the burden, focusing on those things that matter most - family.  I have been thinking about this topic all day, reflecting on my own life and playing a little "checks and balance" in my own mind.  Are there ways to simplify parts of my life?  Am I creating unnecessary burdens in my own life by being too busy?  Am I so busy doing things that really don't matter that I am unable to focus on what really matters, the family?

Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin said,
"Sometimes we feel that the busier we are, the more important we are - as though busyness defines our worth...We can spend a lifetime whirling about at a feverish pace, checking off list after list of things that in the end really don't matter.  That we do a lot may not be so important.  That we focus the energy of our minds, our hearts, and our souls on those things of eternal significance - that is essential."

Tomorrow's challenge:  make an effort to consciously simplify one aspect of my day to make time for family

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 16: water, water, water = energy (or so we will see)

Every day during the afternoon I find myself soooooooo tired.  You would think it was midnight.  I am so tired it is hard to do anything.  I just want to close my eyes and take a nap.  Sometimes I give in and take a snooze!  It is frustrating to me because at a time during the day when I can be most productive due to kids napping, I find myself wasting away time due to the fact that I am exhausted and can't focus on what I am trying to accomplish.

This afternoon when I was feeling tired I decided to research online reasons for afternoon fatigue.  I found an article that sparked my interest.  It was titled, "Another Reason for Felling Tired - Dehydration".  I had not thought before that maybe my afternoon slum was due to being dehydrated.  It is probably very true as I know I don't drink enough water each day.  I have to pretty much force it down.  I would rather have a big glass of milk or juice.  This article really made me think.    

Here is an exert from the article I found:

Another Reason for Feeling Tired - Dehydration
by Catherine Pratt 
"I discovered that most of us are chronically dehydrated and don't even know it. Some of the symptoms of dehydration are: brain fog, fatigue, and exhaustion. Sound familiar? They were all things I could definitely relate to.
I thought I did drink a lot of water but reading through his report, I realized it wasn't as much as I thought.

In the course, it suggests to drink “a bottle” of water as soon as you get up in the morning. Drinking water as soon as I got up wasn't something I'd tried before. I was more of a “throughout the day, whenever I remembered” kind of water drinker.
I thought it was worth a try though. If it didn't work, I hadn't lost anything and if it did work, it'd be such an easy solution to feeling tired.
So, now I drink 2 glasses of water as soon as I wake up and then another 2 during breakfast. After that, I drink another two glasses whenever I have a meal and also at different times throughout the day. So, all in all, I think I end up drinking around 10 or 12 glasses per day.
It's a minor change to what I was doing before but the amazing thing is that it has really made a difference for me. I used to struggle to wake up in the morning and also just to stay awake. About 2 or 3 in the afternoon used to be the worst time for me. I would get just so sleepy that all I would want to do is lie down and go to sleep. Since, I've increased my water consumption, I don't have that anymore. I feel much more alert and awake now.
I must say, I'm pretty impressed what a difference a simple change like drinking more water can make."

Did you know there is a formula for how much water you should drink in a day?  I didn't.  Here it is:

Take your weight in pounds and divide it by 2.
Take the result and divide this by 8 (for 8 ounces of water)
This number is the approximate number of 8 oz glasses of water you should be drinking daily.

So there you go.  Who knew?  I am going to give it a try and see if I can curb this afternoon tired spell!

Tomorrow's challenge: start the day off with a couple big glasses of water!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 15: I don't know everything, but I know enough!

Lately, as a mother, I feel like I just don't know how to do this parenting thing.  I feel like I am making all of the wrong decisions.  I sometimes feel like a chicken with it's head cut off not knowing what direction to go and how to approach each of my children's needs the correct way.  I often find myself getting down on myself.

Well, today I was given this great quote at my scripture study group that gave me a feeling of peace.  It is by Elder Neil A. Anderson:
"There are...days when we feel inadequate and unprepared, when doubt and confusion enter our spirits, when we have difficulty finding our spiritual footing...remain steady and patient as we progress through mortality.  At times, the Lord's answer will be, "You don't know everything, but you know enough"

It is at those times I need to dig deep and remember what I do know and rely on the spirit to guide me.  

My friend told me that the only thing you need to do to be a great mother it is to always listen to the Spirit.  Boy, isn't that true.  I don't know everything, but I know enough and if I just always listen to the Spirit and follow it's guidance, I can't go wrong!

Tomorrow's challenge:  listen for the Spirit

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 14: I am grateful for...

Today I am grateful for:

1-a warm bed
2-a day with very minimal fighting from my kids
3-my kids that all helped out, served each other, and did all of their jobs and practicing without a fight - WOW!!
4-the afternoon nap I got
5-the most darling baby in the world that made me smile many times today
6-for the moment I got to rock my baby before bed
7-a husband that greeted me from work with a kiss and a hug
8-the time alone I got to spend with my 7 year old making his school valentine's
9-the reminder to live and see life as a child does, with excitement, and to not waste energy on things that really don't matter
10-the Holy Ghost that touched my heart many times today

Tomorrow's Challenge: touch someone's life for the better

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 13: Divine Gift of Gratitude

I had a great day.  Everything just seemed to fall into place.  I know it is because one, I tried to look at everything with a positive attitude and two, I started my day off doing the the right things.  My day began with personal scripture study then off to family scripture study and then finished off the morning with listening to General Conference while running on the treadmill.  

I record conference and then, over the next 6 months, watch it over and over from beginning to end while I exercise.  Today I was on the prophet, President Monson's talk on gratitude.  I was once again reminded of how important it is to have a grateful heart.

Here are a few quotes President Monson states in his talk:  

"My brothers and sisters, do we remember to give thanks for the blessings we receive?  Sincerely giving thanks not only helps us recognize our blessings, but it also unlocks the doors of heaven and helps us feel God's Love."

"We can lift ourselves and others as well when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts and attitude of gratitude.  If ingratitude be numbered among the serious sins, then gratitude takes its place among the noblest of virtues.  Someone has said that "gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others."

"My brothers and sisters, to express gratitude is gracious and honorable, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is to touch heaven."

Tomorrow's challenge: write down 10 things I am grateful for

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 12: Try again

I hate to say it, but this cup half full thing has been quite a challenge today.  My spirited child wanted to test his mother all day to see if I could really see everything in a positive light.  I have been trying to find a way to summarize my feelings about today in a positive light.  This is my cup half full view of today; I am grateful I had a Heavenly Father I could turn to today during the moments I thought I couldn't go on; I am grateful for the strength and patience I received during those moments of prayer;  I am grateful my family was able to end the night on a positive note and have family home evening together.

Tomorrow's challenge: stay positive  

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 11: Cup Half Full

I have decided a goal, or good habit that I want to start working on daily is seeing the cup half full.  We are all familiar with the saying, "seeing the cup half full".  If a cup were sitting on the counter filled half way with water, one could either see the cup as half empty or half full.

8 1/2 years ago we lived across from the best neighbor.  Our kids knew her as Ms. Julie.  In the two years we lived by Ms. Julie, we noticed that she always, I mean always, had a smile on her face.  No matter what situation she was facing in her life, she always faced it with a smile.  I asked her how she was able to always be happy.  She told me that life had not always been easy for her.  She had been through a lot of difficult experiences.  She use to always complain.  One day she realized how much she complained about things.  It was that moment that she made a conscience decision to never complain again and to always see the good in everything.  This one decision made all the difference in her life.  

In our two years of living by Ms. Julie, I never saw anything but a smile on her face, never heard her complain about any situation, or say an unkind word about anyone.  I always felt good about myself and life when I was around Ms. Julie.  She was a true example of one who continually saw the cup half full.

I grew to love Ms. Julie very much and always looked forward to seeing her.  I am so thankful for Ms. Julie's example in my life.

Tomorrow's challenge:  see the day as a cup half full        

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 10: Words of wisdom

Today's post is just some good old words of wisdom:

7 times:  If you want to retain or remember something, you need to live it or teach it 7 times!

21 days in a row:  If you want to change a habit, do it 21 days in a row and you will create a new habit!

Tomorrow's challenge:  start day 1 of a good, new habit

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 9: The magic of humility

So I took my own advice and put into practice my post yesterday.  I had such great insights in my scripture study during the wee hours of the morning today.  My study took me to a word that I really haven't valued in the past as much as I should have.  I have always studied much about and tried to emulate, "faith, hope and charity", but have never truly studied in depth the word humility.  After today, I have a whole new outlook on the word humility and the importance of being a humble person.

In Mormon Doctrine, Bruce R. McConkie states:  "All progress in spiritual things is conditioned upon the prior attainment of humility.  We are commanded to be humble.  Humility must accompany repentance to qualify a person for baptism; it is required of all engaged in gospel service; is an essential attribute  for all who embark in the service of God; precedes the acquiring of wisdom from the Spirit; is needed to qualify the righteous to see God and without it no one can gain entrance to the kingdom of God hereafter."  WOW!!  I never knew the importance of humility.

In Mosiah 4:11, King Benjamin teaches:  "I would that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance, the greatness of God and your own nothingness, and his goodness and long-suffering towards you, unworthy creatures, and humble yourselves even in the depths of humility, calling on the name of the Lord daily, and standing steadfastly in the faith of that which is to come, which was spoken by the mouth of the angel.

Then he states the blessing of doing the above:

"And behold, I say unto you that if ye do this ye shall always rejoice, and be filled with the love of God and always retain a remission of your sins; and ye shall grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true."  Mosiah 4:12

I want those blessings!!  As I strive to be the best wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and neighbor, I have come to realize that I must be a woman of humility.  Without humility, I will not succeed!

Tomorrow's challenge:  begin my journey to deep humility

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 8: Making scripture study more edifying and effective

I read a great talk by Elder Bednar suggesting 5 principles that will help make scripture study more edifying and effective.  He states:

1- Pray for understanding and invite the help of the Holy Ghost
"The things of the Spirit can be learned only by and through the influence of the Spirit.  Each time we begin a session of sincere scripture study, an earnest and humble prayer in which we petition our Heavenly Father in the name of his Son for the assistance of the Holy Ghost will greatly improve our learning, understanding, and recall."

2- Work!
"Gospel knowledge and understanding come through diligent study of the scriptures and tutoring by the Holy Ghost.  The combination that opens the vault door to hidden scriptural treasures includes a great deal of work-simple, old-fashioned, hard work."

3- Be consistent
"Given the hectic pace of our lives, good intentions and simply "hoping" to find the time for meaningful scripture study are not sufficient...specific and scheduled time set aside each day increase the effectiveness of our searching in and study of the scriptures."

4- Ponder
"Asking questions about and pondering the things we have studied in the scriptures invite inspiration and the assistance of the Holy Ghost."

5- Write down impressions, thoughts, and feelings
"Writing down what we learn, think, and feel as we study the scriptures is another form of pondering and a powerful invitation to the Holy Ghost for continuing instruction."  Bednar refers to a quote by Elder Richard G. Scott, "You will find that as you write down precious impressions, often more will come.  Also, the knowledge you gain will be available throughout your life."

Tomorrow's challenge:  apply the 5 principles to my scripture study

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 7: Courage

“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow."
I love this quote.  I don't know the author.  I will probably post it many a time because it's message tugs at my heart so strongly.  The word courage means so much to me.  Today has been one of those days where I take this quote to heart.  Sometimes we just need to say, "I will try again tomorrow."

Tomorrow's challenge: face the day with more courage  

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 6: Ice day

Hurray for ice day!!  Today in our little part of the world we woke up to a sheet of ice covering the deck, sidewalk, driveway, roads, trees, you name it.  I would say it looked like a homemade ice-skating rink.  Businesses and schools were closed.  The kids didn't have to go to school and my husband didn't have to go to work.  We all started out the day in great spirits.

Well, it didn't take long into the morning for a change of mood as the kids started teasing each other, complaining about doing their daily chores, fighting me about getting their piano practicing done, this kid hitting that kid, kids running around chasing each other, and kids crying.  I began to rethink the joy I had at first about spending the day as a family.

Before I knew it, I was getting on this kid for this, and that kid for that, and was repeating the same lecturing advice over and over to each child.  I had let them get to me and I was so frustrated with the way they were behaving.  The morning had gone sour.  That peaceful, happy feeling we all woke up with was visibly gone.  Then my beat up cycle began, as the guilt overcame me and I started feeling like a failure in the way I had responded to my children that morning.  I thought, "How is it that I am 35 years old and I respond to my kids like I am 15 and don't know better???  Why is it I let myself get so upset over the things they do."

I needed my shower time (see previous post :) to digest all that had gone on.  As I sat in that hot shower, I reflected on what my kids had really done that morning and what I could have done differently.  After thinking about it, they really hadn't done anything terrible (they are kids), in fact, they were pretty obedient kids.  The thought came to me, that the morning had gone sour because of the way I responded to them, due to an unreal expectation, not specifically because of what they had done.  I was expecting them to act like responsible adults instead of growing kids.  And when that didn't happen, I got upset.  Boy, did I need to take a chill pill.

That I did.  I decided to remedy the day with some family time, eating popcorn, drinking hot chocolate and playing games.  It was a lot of fun.  It ended up being a great day.

I learned today that for me to be a better mother, I need to make sure I don't create, "unreal expectations" for my kids.  They are only kids and pretty darn good kids at that!

Tomorrow's challenge:  don't set unrealistic expectations

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 5: Hot showers!!

I love hot showers!  Not only do I love hot showers, but I love hot showers in the dark.  I know, weird.  It makes me feel extra warm.  Every day I look forward to taking a shower.  It is one of the rare moments in the day that I get to be by myself, all alone, in my own space, uninterrupted, without little voices calling my name, or  little bodies crawling all over me.  It becomes a time of stillness and a time to ponder.

That time in the shower has turned into one of my favorite times because it is a time of stillness where I can reflect on; my day, what I can do more for my kids, how I can improve as a person, and a time for me to pray and listen for guidance through the Holy Ghost on challenges I am facing.  I have come to look forward to that time of stillness each day amongst the hustle and bustle of daily life.  I have had many a prayer answered during those quite moments in the shower.    

It is through the quiet moments of stillness that the Holy Ghost can speak to me and to you clearly, uninterrupted, and teach us how to become better in all areas of our lives.  I need all the help I can get, so my goal is to make more moments of stillness each day!

Tomorrow's challenge:  make time for stillness

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 4: I am a daughter of God

Today I was reminded that I am a daughter of God and that I have a loving Heavenly Father who truly knows me.  The power of that knowledge is priceless.  As I sit back today and review my day, I am amazed at the many incredible people Heavenly Father put in my path that brightened my day, made me laugh, made me feel loved, inspired me to stand a little taller, reminded me of my value, and strengthened my testimony.  What an incredible blessing.  Through these associations I have felt the love of my Heavenly Father.  Had I not stopped to recognize His love today, I might have missed it.  What sweet assurance to know that He cares for me.  His love is always there, I just need to look for it.

Tomorrow's challenge:  take time to see and feel His love

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 3: A simple flower

Today I am grateful for the beautiful flowers on my kitchen table.  My sister sent me these flowers for my birthday.  I have loved seeing them in my kitchen over the last couple of days.  I have noticed that every time I see them I smile.  They remind me of her and remind me that I am loved.  It doesn't take much to brighten someones day, so my challenge for today is to make someone smile!

Tomorrow's challenge:  make someone smile!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 2: My Little Alarm Clock

It was 5:45 a.m. this morning when I heard the door slam shut to my 3 year old's room.  I looked over at the clock and immediately began to feel frustration building up inside of me.  It only took seconds before he was in my room letting me know that he wanted to watch t.v.  I quietly let him know that it was too early in the morning to watch t.v., which he then immediately began to cry as loud as he could.  This indeed only made my frustration increase more and my blood pressure rise.

Tired and grumpy, and in an effort to get the last few minutes of sleep I could, I told him to hop into my bed and lay on the pillow next to me until my alarm went off.  As I was laying in bed with him by my side and listening to my husband sleep away, I thought, "A mother never gets to sleep in peace."  Right then, this little 3 year old hand slid under the sheets to hold my hand.  Instantly all the anger and frustration of waking up earlier than I wanted to melted away and I was reminded of my blessing of being a mother.

I am reading this great book titled, I Am a Mother by Jane Clayson Johnson.  In that book she says, "When mothers themselves begin to revere their callings, so much can change.  And surely, when a woman of virtue values motherhood above other pursuits, her children will "arise up, and call her blessed" (Proverbs 31:28)."

Tomorrow's challenge:  value motherhood

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I am but a spring chick!

Today is my 35th birthday and the first day of a great year to come!!  Last night I found myself, during the last few hours of being 34, standing in front of my bathroom mirror, plucking out my gray hairs.   My first thought was, "Boy, I need to go get my hair colored", then my thoughts turned to all of the experiences I had had the last year and all that I had been through.  I reflected on how hard my year had been.  I can truly say it was the hardest year of my life, even harder than the year my father died when I was 16.  The year was an emotional one filled with struggles starting with the birth of my 6th child, post partum depression, moving my family across the country with a baby only a few months old, the stress of trying to sell two homes, trying to adjust myself and my family to a new home, new surroundings, a new neighborhood and friends, new church friends, and dealing with homesick feelings and feelings of being a single mother as my husband was gone most of the time with his work and church callings.  As I sat there last night in front of my mirror, I thought that I could either continue to feel sorry for myself, or I could decide to make this coming year, my year of being 35, the best year of my life.

This morning when I woke up, I rededicated myself to seeing my life and the challenges I face as a cup half full and not half empty, to strive each day to not give or take offense, to focus more on the things I am grateful for, to strengthen my relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ, and to be an influence for good to all those I associate with, for I am "but a spring chick" and can do all things. 

"Spring chick???", you might ask.  Let me explain.  A few years ago my sister called to talk one day.  We where talking about our age.  She told me of an experience she had that week.  My sister ran into one of her old piano teachers whom she had not seen in a long time and who was now in her late 70's.  Her piano teacher told her that when she was in her mid 50's she was complaining about her life and how old she was.  A 90 year old women in her ward overheard her talking and said to her, "My dear, you are but a spring chick.  You have a whole life ahead of you."  This one statement made her realize that she did have a whole life still ahead of her and that she could do and become whatever she wanted.  With that knowledge, she went to college in her 50's and eventually got her PhD in a music related field and went on to teach piano pedagogue as a professor at the university.  To this day each year, she puts on a piano concert for her family and dear friends on her birthday of pieces she has learned and mastered throughout the year.  If that is not inspiring, I don't know what is.  I think of all of the lives she might not have touched had she focused on how old she thought she was and didn't believe in herself to become what she could become.  

This story has inspired me to believe in myself and remember that I am but a spring chick who can do and become anything I put my mind to becoming.    

During this coming year, I am determined to become a better me; a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, neighbor, and friend.  My goal is to share, through this blog, the things I learn each day during my 35th year that help me become who Heavenly Father intended me to become.  My hope in doing so, is that that my journey may be one of  inspiration to others.  May we all enjoy the journey!!  Happy Birthday to me!!!